The research unit 'Assessing and Controlling Dynamic Local Process Conditions in Microreactors via Novel Integrated Microsensors (ProMiSe)' studies the development of miniaturised electrical, electrochemical and optical sensors and its integration into technical microreactors and related microsystems. By spatially and temporally resolved measurements using these sensors combined with detailed modelling and numerical simulation, fundamental understanding of the dynamics of local transport and reaction processes in such systems is targeted. Based on the gained knowledge, optimised microsystems shall be developed and fabricated, which can be operated safely close to the physical and chemical optimum via model and sensor data-based process control. For this, four interdisciplinary projects address (i) the evaporation of solvents in microfluidic channels, (ii) the heterogenously catalysed direct synthesis of hydrogen peroxide from the elements in a novel membrane-microreactor, (iii) multistage continuous photochemical syntheses of pharmaceutical compounds, and (iv) the synthesis of metal oxide nanoparticles in a ceramic microreactor under hydrothermal conditions in near critical or supercritical aqueous media.
DFG Programme
Research Units