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Physical analysis of interactions between wing wake and tailplane at high-speed stall conditions

Subject Area Fluid Mechanics
Term since 2020
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 406435057
In the first project phase, the influence of the shock-induced separation from the wing on the aerodynamics and loads of the tail plane was investigated for a tandem wing configuration and for the generic XRF-1 transport aircraft configuration. These studies included the characterization of buffet cell propagation and demonstrated the correlation of tail plane load oscillations with turbulent fluctuations in the wake. Aeroelastic effects were not considered, but their impact showed up in the aerodynamic spectra of the wind tunnel measurements, correlating with wing Eigen modes. Furthermore, the XRF-1 configuration with Ultra-High Bypass-Ratio (UHBR) flow-through nacelle was investigated similar to the wind tunnel tests in ETW. An exhaust jet was not considered in the measurements and simulations. Therefore, the goal of this subproject in the second project phase of the FOR 2895 is the investigation of the influence of vibrations of the wing structure on the 3D buffet mechanism and of the influence of an exhaust jet on the interaction of the wake with the tail plane. For this purpose, hybrid RANS/LES simulations of the XRF-1 configuration considering the exhaust jet are performed. Its influence on the separation topology and the near wake is analyzed, and it is determined to what extent the correlation between the buffet on the wing and the turbulence in the wake is altered. Furthermore, it is investigated to which degree the interaction between wake and tail is influenced by the jet. Flow field data extracted from the simulations will additionally be used as inflow data for LES detail simulations of the tail plane in TP5, and the simulation results will be validated with results of the detail simulations from TP5 and TP1. The influence of structural vibrations on the dominant frequencies and propagation characteristics of transonic buffet is analyzed on the XRF-1 and tandem wing configuration using hybrid RANS/LES simulations with imposed vibrations. Furthermore, the influence of the vibrations on the near wake is investigated, and it is determined whether the correlation between the buffet on the wing and the turbulence in the wake is changed, and to what extent a correlation with the vibrations exists. For the tandem wing configuration, the downstream propagation of the wake and its interaction with the tail plane is also analyzed, and it is worked out to which degree the differences in the characteristics of the wake, which are caused by the structural vibrations, have an effect on the wake tail plane interactions. As for the wake investigations on the XRF-1, flow field data extracted from the simulations will be used as inflow data for LES detail simulations of the tail plane of the Tandem wing in TP5, and the simulation results will be validated with these data as well as with measurement data from the Trisonik Wind Tunnel (TP6) and ETW.
DFG Programme Research Units

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