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Beyond the Border: Transnational Film Culture between Germany and Great Britain (Revised)

Applicant Dr. John Hoffmann
Subject Area Theatre and Media Studies
Term from 2019 to 2024
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 427978369
The proposed book project, Beyond the Border: Transnational Film Culture between Germany and Great Britain, will seek to supersede conventional film histories by focusing on transnational networks of "useful film" production in the inter-war and postwar period. Through studies of the collaboration and mutual influences of two nations whose film cultures have typically been considered apart, a research program will be advanced that extends beyond the respective countries of Germany and Great Britain. In chapters on propaganda, documentary, advertising, and travel films, it will be argued that useful films occupy a place between the traditional national cinemas. What will emerge is a transnational perspective of cultural and cinematic exchange that scrutinizes the film-historical concept of the nation.
DFG Programme Research Grants

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