Conceptualisation and empirical studies of Othering in public health and health care (OTHER)

Applicants Professor Dr. Oliver Razum; Professor Dr. Andreas Zick
Subject Area Empirical Social Research
Public Health, Healthcare Research, Social and Occupational Medicine
Term from 2019 to 2023
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 409654512

Project Description

The sub-project OTHER consists of two complimentary work packages (WP) that deal with the analysis of ‘othering’ processes in public health research and health care using the example of refugees.WP 1 develops a (1) theoretical, (2) empirical-analytical, and (3) conceptual approach to ‘othering’ in public health. The theoretical approach (1) is based on postcolonial, social psychological and intersectional approaches to ‘othering’ and aims at an extended systematisation of ‘othering’. The theoretical foundations will be developed iteratively in collaboration with the sub-project EMPOW and also serve PROREF in preparing interview guidelines and interpreting empirical results. The empirical-analytical approach (2) to ‘othering’ is based on a comprehensive literature search on public health and ‘othering’ as well as empirical analysis of the public health discourse on “health of migrants and refugees”. The discourse analysis focuses on constructions of difference and belonging in the context of diversity and cultural variety. The theoretical and analytical results from this work package will support the design of a conceptual typology of ‘othering’ mechanisms in the accommodation of refugees in DEPRIV. The development of an empirically applicable concept of ‘othering’ finally constitutes the conceptual approach (3) to ‘othering’. Empirical results from the second work package as well as all other sub-projects of the PH-LENS research unit will be implemented into this conceptualisation of ‘othering’. This will be facilitated through an iterative collaboration with LARGE, TREAT, NEXUS, and PROREF.WP 2 conducts several empirical studies to analyse ‘othering’ processes in rehabilitative and obstetric care for refugees. In preparation, a re-analysis (1) of previously collected data regarding the attitudes towards refugees will be performed. On this basis, incorporating the theoretical results from the first work package, and in close collaboration with ENSURE and PROREF, a case vignette-study (2) to measure stereotypes and prejudice expressing in the differential treatment of refugees vs. non-refugees will be developed. This study will be complemented through another web-based study (2) that will be prepared together with ENSURE. The study will focus on the measurement of prejudice and resulting ‘othering’ processes. On the basis of the produced results, an measurement instrument for ‘othering’ (3) will be developed for future application within the context of public health and health care.By compiling and extending the theoretical basis, the development of an empirically applicable ‘othering’ concept as well as the application of innovative empirical analyses, OTHER makes an important contribution to better understanding the link of ‘othering’ and health inequalities.
DFG Programme Research Units
Subproject of FOR 2928:  Refugee migration to Germany: a magnifying glass for broader public health challenges (PH-LENS)