transmission electron microscope and small equipment for sample processing

Subject Area Plant Sciences
Term Funded in 2019
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 426849454

Project Description

The transmission electron microscope (TEM) that we request here will replace an existing and over 30 years old machine, which has been operated successfully by the Faculty of Biology of the University of Freiburg. It will be fully integrated into the already existing and DFG-accredited core facility LIC. The EM service unit of the Faculty of Biology currently handles a broad variety of biological specimens for eleven different research groups. These samples range from comparably simple negative stains of Archeae to piloting correlative approaches (correlative light-electron microscopy; CLEM), which address the cell wall composition of fungal and bacterial infection structures inside plant cells. It has been for a long time already that the currently available instrument (Philipps CM-10) does not match the needs for a modern and competitive electron microscopy anymore. It also limits the number of samples that can be processed. Additionally, we already experience long-lasting instrument failures and the replacement of essential pieces is no longer guaranteed. Consequently, the available machine cannot be maintained in a cost-effective and reliable manner anymore.The TEM requested here will modernize the EM-service unit to an urgently needed level. After surveying the sample and method portfolio that is required at the Faculty of Biology and considering other machines available in Freiburg, we decided to apply for a comparably standard 120 kV machine. This will enable us to process almost all samples efficiently. In addition, we request two small machines that are urgently needed for sample preparation. These will ensure a sustainable and cost-effective sample processing workflow in the future.
DFG Programme Major Research Instrumentation
Major Instrumentation 120 kV Transmissionselektronenmikroskop
Instrumentation Group 5100 Elektronenmikroskope (Transmission)
Applicant Institution Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Leader Professor Dr. Thomas Ott