Scanning electron microscope with low vacuum mode, EDX analytics system and EM sample preparation (critical point dryer and high vacuum coater)

Subject Area Molecular Chemistry
Basic Research in Biology and Medicine
Water Research
Term Funded in 2019
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 426688606

Project Description

The Key Lab Electron Microscopy of the biological department at the University of Bayreuth supports all working groups in life sciences that require transmission or scanning electron microscopy. In addition, the Key Lab carries out its own research projects and supports the supra-regional DFG research unit FOR 2092 in a central project. The scanning electron microscope in the Key Lab was decommissioned in 2016 because it was technically outdated and highly prone to interference and could therefore no longer be operated economically. The original electron microscope is intended to be replaced by the device applied for here, and thus to keep scanning electron microscopy and the energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy available in the Key Lab. Additionally, it is intended to replace the outdated sample preparation equipment with the state-of-the-art critical point dryer and the high vacuum coater applied for here. The necessity for the requested device is mainly based on the fact that several new working groups have joined the biology department in recent years, whose current and planned research projects (e.g. SFB 1357) require intensive use of scanning electron microscopy. Many projects require very time consuming measurements, e.g. for the quantification of morphological features or to the development and refinement of methods. Due to the very high utilization of the scanning electron microscopes already available at the University of Bayreuth, the necessary measuring time cannot be provided. Therefore, the device applied for here is of utmost importance for the realization of current and future research projects.
DFG Programme Major Research Instrumentation
Major Instrumentation Hochauflösendes Rasterelektronenmikroskop mit Niedervakuumbetrieb
Instrumentation Group 5120 Rasterelektronenmikroskope (REM)
Applicant Institution Universität Bayreuth
Leader Professor Dr. Christian Laforsch