120 kV Transmission Electron Microscope
Subject Area
Basic Research in Biology and Medicine
Funded in 2019
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 426173797
The 120 kV Transmission Electron Microscope will replace a technical out-of-date TEM. For this outdated TEM no more service is available. A failure of important components can lead to a total loss of function of the machine. This would lead to a critical gap in our service portfolio of our imaging core facility and we could not provide the services in the full breadth, as we currently do in regard to Transmission Electron Microscopy. Moreover, the new TEM should provide the possibility of STEM-Tomography which additionally would relieve usage pressure from our high-end 200kV TEM in regard to electron tomography.
DFG Programme
Major Research Instrumentation
Major Instrumentation
120 kV Transmissionslelektronenmikroskop
Instrumentation Group
5100 Elektronenmikroskope (Transmission)