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Derivation of analysis- and synthesis-methods to manage uncertainty in the development of mechatronic systems with sensor integrating machine elements

Subject Area Engineering Design, Machine Elements, Product Development
Term from 2019 to 2024
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 426030644
The integration of sensors into standardized machine elements is expected to significantly accelerate in-situ measurements in mechanical processes. Since machine elements facilitate the integration of sensors by their standardized interfaces it is suitable to call these machine elements with additional sensorial functions for sensor integrating machine elements (SiME). The knowledge about the stress level of the machine element itself is of no interest but it is the key to better understand system behavior and operational conditions.The system boundary of the mechatronic system includes the SiME and its direct design vicinity as well as design elements enabling electric signal and energy transfer. The machine elements need to deliver their usual functions regardless the integrated sensor, it monitor a measuring quantity in the system and delivers a signal to transferring device being again affected by uncertainty. The signal transfer is realized by means of electronic components (cables and connectors) but also by the electric properties of design elements (housing, shafts or bearings). At the system boundary a (distorted) signal is delivered to a conventional signal transfer path connecting to a system control unit. The full transfer path comprising the SiME as well as its energy supply and signal transfer to the process distinct joint is relevant.Target of this project is to provide methods and design guidelines for analysis and synthesis of mechatronic systems, enabling a reliable and reproducible data acquisition of measuring quantities and signal transfer using SiME.Focal point of the project is the management of uncertainty as a result of mechanical, thermal, chemical, electrostatic and electromagnetic disturbances affecting the full transfer path including an SiME. The transfer path covers the mechanical part including the SiME and the signal transfer path. The in-situ position eliminates disturbances, the additional disturbances associated to the sensor integrated need to be kept under control. The product development of SiME itself is not part of the project, existing concept will be exploited and placed in a system context. Furthermore, production, component and functional reliability of the SiME are excluded.Hence, three question are to be answered:1.: How to identify relevant disturbances influencing the full transfer path of the SiME in a structured way?2.: Which disturbances cause alterations of the signal during its transfer and how can one describe the effect of disturbances qualitatively?3.: Which design guidelines for the synthesis of mechatronic systems with SiME can be derived? Are first generic requirements for the design of SiME identifiable?The project bases on methods for the management of uncertainty of load carrying systems in mechanical engineering, these are enhanced for mechatronic systems with combined mechanical and electronic transfer paths.
DFG Programme Research Grants

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