This proposal addresses novel re-programmable micro-matter, which self-folds reversibly from a flat shape to a three-dimensional (3D) shape, keeps the shape without power consumption and self-folds on demand into a re-programmable alternative 3D shape. During the first funding period, we demonstrated the feasibility of re-programmable matter at the mm length scale using cooperative shape memory alloy (SMA) hinge microactuators and microsystems engineering. Goals of the second phase are (1) a substantial improvement of the maximum reversible folding angles, which strongly depend on the design of antagonistic SMA hinge microactuators, (2) the extension of microfabrication technology to temporarily fix the 3D shape without power consumption and (3) further upscaling and miniaturization. The project bundles the complementary competences of functional polymer materials taking account for the high potential of 3D printing technology (UFr), shape memory materials and microsystems engineering (KIT) as well as system simulation (FAU). Novel designs of cascaded and bistable SMA microhinges will be developed to enhance the range of reversible folding angles up to 180°. To temporarily fix the 3D shape, four scenarios will be considered comprising active latching and holding by heat-activated switching of magnetic forces and solid-liquid transition, respectively, as well as the passive mechanisms of magnetic latching and polymer-based sticking. The synergies and detrimental coupling effects will be investigated for an increasing integration density and number of tiles to elaborate design rules for optimum system performance.
DFG Programme
Priority Programmes