The overall objective of the research project is the realisation of a property control within spinning processes. This is intended to enable the locally limited and reproducible adjustment of physical component properties - in an environment characterised by a large number of process parameters and a process sequence that can hardly be predicted. By specifically influencing phase transformation processes during production, high-performance components are to be created that have defined graded mechanical (hardness) or ferromagnetic properties and thus offer added value, e.g. with regard to sensory use. Very high demands are placed on the local resolution of the grading, but also on the shape and dimensional accuracy as well as the surface quality. Within the spinning process, therefore, locally limited areas are to be created through controlled process management of the parameters temperature and degree of forming, which fulfil a specified property profile as precisely and reproducible as possible. An increase in the complexity of the components and process steps to be considered is planned during the three phases of the project. The following sub-goals could be defined for the upcoming funding period: • Robustification of the property-controlled process to demonstrate the transferability of property control to other material batches and materials. • Increasing complexity by transitioning from axial (1D) and axial-angular (2D) graded structures to additionally radial graded structures (3D). • Advancement and optimization of property control considering real-time capability under production-like conditions. • Quantified evidence of property enhancement based on components produced with property control. • Derivation of design principles for the property-controlled extrusion process in the form of systematization and methodization.
DFG Programme
Priority Programmes