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Detection and characterisation of dark-matter halos by gravitational shear and flexion; constraints on the non-linear cosmic structure growth

Subject Area Astrophysics and Astronomy
Term from 2007 to 2012
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 42389529
Final Report Year 2012

Final Report Abstract

Gravitational lensing is among the most powerful tools to study dark structures in the Universe and their growth over cosmological epochs. Over the past years, methods to precisely measure cosmic shear have developed impressively quickly, catalysed by dedicated simulation programmes STEP1, STEP2, and GREAT08, which provided common testbeds for all methods. We had already developed and implemented our own shear pipeline, based on the highly regarded, then novel shapelet method. During the funding period we clarified a conceptual flaw regarding the treatment of convolution with the point-spread function, one of the most critical effects in weak-lensing measurements, leading to a significant improvement of the recovery of the unconvolved galaxy shape. To further assess the shear accuracy of our pipeline, we made use of the publicly available data of simulation programmes mentioned above. To our dismay, we discovered a prominent bias despite our improvements in the deconvolution algorithm. A detailed investigation of this issue revealed a fundamental problem inherent in shapelet method which severely limits its applicability to weak-lensing measurements. By identifying this underlying flaw, we were able to construct a new method, dubbed DEIMOS, which avoids this flaw but maintains the accurate treatment of the deconvolution from the shapelet method. With a reanalysis of data from the GREAT08 programme, we could verify that our new method ranges among the most accurate methods to this date.



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