SPP 2262:
Memristive Devices Toward Smart Technical Systems
Subject Area
Computer Science, Systems and Electrical Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
since 2020
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 422738993
The Priority Programme “Memristive Devices Toward Smart Technical Systems” (MemrisTec, SPP 2262) has been established by the Senate of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation). The programme started in 2021 and is planned to run for six years (two phases each with a duration of 3 years). The project proposal was initiated and coordinated by Prof. Ronald Tetzlaff. We propose a coordination project for the second phase of MemrisTec dedicated to active stimulation, coordination and knowledge exchange between projects, but also to the expansion of the circuit design software platform that provides simulation tools for circuits based on published memristor models developed in MemrisTec projects. By means of a cloud server and the MemrisTec Software Platform, information, model implementations and data will be made available to facilitate communication between the project partners. Furthermore, the initiation and coordination of joint scientific publications, which will be presented in project workshops, will take place within the coordination project. The promotion of young scientists and improvements in gender equality in an international environment are important components of the planned activities. Finally, the interactive website memristec.de will continue to be maintained and information will be distributed via social media (Mastodon, LinkedIn and Twitter). Special sessions at international conferences (e.g. MEMRISYS, ISCAS) will be organized in collaboration with the project partners, and demonstrators will be presented at the fair embedded world in Nuremberg.
DFG Programme
Priority Programmes
International Connection
Italy, Netherlands, Spain
Coordination Funds
Tetzlaff, Ronald
Domino Processing Unit: Towards Novel High Efficient In-Memory-Computing (MemDPU)
Du, Ph.D., Nan
Menzel, Stephan
High Performance Computing in Memristive Crossbars by Thermal-Heat Coupling (MemCouple)
Menzel, Stephan
Ziegler, Martin
Hybrid Memristive Device with Multilevel-Modulated Electrical Conductance of Interfaced Atomically Thin 2D Materials and Molecular Oxides (2DPOMristor)
Devi, Anjana
Heine, Thomas
Monakhov, Kirill
Hybrid MEMristor-CMOS Micro Electrode Array bio-sensing platform (MEMMEA)
Dubourdieu, Catherine
Jones, Peter
Menzel, Stephan
Thewes, Roland
MemDANCE: Memristor-based Dendritic Analog Computing Enhancement
Pipa, Gordon
Strachan, John Paul
MEMRED- Memristive circuits for analogue computing with Redox-based memristive devices
Negra, Renato
Valov, Ilia
Memristive hybrid on-chip memory for a low-power RISC-V processor - Design and Implementation (HYB-RISC)
Fey, Dietmar
Wenger, Christian
Memristive Time Difference Encoder (MemTDE)
Chicca, Ph.D., Elisabetta
Dittmann, Regina
Memristives In-Memory-Computing: Radiation hard Memory for Computing in Space
Fey, Dietmar
Hagelauer, Amelie
Reichenbach, Marc
Wenger, Christian
Neurotransistor-based Memristive Crossbar Memcomputing (NeuroMCross)
Mikolajick, Thomas
Slesazeck, Stefan
Tetzlaff, Ronald
Organic Memcapacitors for Large-Area, Neuromorphic Pattern Recognition: Development of an Electronic Trap System (MemTrap)
Boroujeni, Bahman K.
Ellinger, Frank
Mannsfeld, Stefan
Reconfigurable logic and Multi-bit in-memory processing with ferroelectric memristors -ReLoFeMris
Fey, Dietmar
Slesazeck, Stefan
REservoir COMputing with MEmristive Nonlinear Dynamics: Theory, Design and Applications (RECOMMEND)
Corinto, Ph.D., Fernando
Tetzlaff, Ronald
Ziegler, Martin
ROBCOMM: Robust Compute-in Memory using Memristors
Tahoori, Ph.D., Mehdi B.
Wouters, Dirk
Structural plasticity and multi-time-scale learning in physical reservoirs
Kleemann, Hans
Tetzlaff, Christian
Universal Memcomputing in Hardware Realizations of Memristor Cellular Nonlinear Networks
Carmona-Galan, Ricardo
Rana, Ph.D., Vikas
Tetzlaff, Ronald