Spatial Variations of the Phaseshift between Ocean Surface Warming, Evaporation and Changes oft Continental Ice Volume at Terminations I and II (P.O.E.T)
Fachliche Zuordnung
Förderung von 2007 bis 2010
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 42247053
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
In the frame of the INTERDYNAMIK project the phase shift hypothesis of Visser et al. (2003) was tested. It was found that the observed phase shift between Mg/Ca, δ44/40Ca and δ18O is probably based on glacial/interglacial changes of the ITCZ position and may not reflect an earlier warming of the tropics relative to the high northern or southern lati‐ tudes.
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
American Geophysical Union, AGU 14‐18.12.2009, San Francisco, USA: Tracking sea surface salinity variations in tropical oceans across glacial terminations with Mg/Ca, δ18O and δ44/40Ca ratios
C. Horn, A. Eisenhauer, D. Nürnberg, J. Schönfeld
Geologische Vereinigung GV, 5‐7.10.2009 in Göttingen: Reconstructing sea surface salinity variations during MIS I with δ44/40Ca isotope ratios from G. sacculifer
C. Horn, A. Eisenhauer, D. Nürnberg, J. Schönfeld
Goldschmidt Conference, 21‐26.06.2009, Davos, Siwtzerland: Deciphering the phase shift of tropical δ18Oforam and Mg/Caforam signals: A salinity effect?
C. Horn, A. Eisenhauer, D. Nürnberg, J. Schönfeld
European Geophysical Union, EGU, 3‐8.04.2011, Vienna, Austria: Employing δ44/40Ca ratios in foraminifera to simultaneously track sea surface regional tempera‐ tures (SST) and salinities (SSS) variations across Termination I
C. Horn, A. Eisenhauer, D. Nürnberg, J. Schönfeld
(2012) Millennial‐scale climate variability during the last 12.5 ka recorded in a Caribbean speleothem, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 284: 435–446
Fensterer, C., D. Scholz, D. Hoffmann, C. Spöttl, A. Schröder‐Ritzrau, J. M. Pajón, C. Horn
(2012) Strontium isotope fractionation of planktic foraminifera and inorganic calcite, Geochemica Cosmochimica Acta, 93: 300‐314
Böhm, F., A. Eisenhauer, J. Tang, M. Dietzel, A. Krabbenhöft, B. Kisakürek, C. Horn