Laser Beam Melting System
Subject Area
Production Technology
Funded in 2019
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 422470529
Additive manufacturing technologies represent an important field of research and form at the same time the basis for subsequent research in mechanical engineering, production technology and materials science. Additive manufacturing with metals has come into focus in recent years. In contrast to many universities and research institutes in Germany, no such facility is currently available at the University of Siegen. However, this is a necessity for various research projects of different chairs to carry out the research involving this young manufacturing technology. For this reason, a plant is to be purchased, which operates according to the laser beam melting (LBM) method. Since the system is to be used by different chairs, it has to fulfill a variety of requirements. Large production space for a wide range of research is just as much a core requirement as the fast powder change, open parameters and controlled environmental conditions. High-strength components made of different materials, complex, detailed structures and cavities must be manufacturable. With the availability of the additive LBM system, several interdisciplinary application initiatives will be made possible, which will sustainably strengthen the research activities at the University of Siegen.
DFG Programme
Major Research Instrumentation
Major Instrumentation
Instrumentation Group
5740 Laser in der Fertigung