To date, no comprehensive data platform exists for qualitative educational research data, which meets general requirements for a quality-assured, integrative preparation and indexing of data. The project targets the implementation of a federated research data platform (QualiBi) for qualitative educational research data in the German-speaking area. Parallel-existing data from Goethe-University Frankfurtas well as FDZ Bildung at the Leibniz Institute DIPF will be integrated. The data will be systematically processed and presented as a joint data service. This service offers an added value as educational researchers can find a central, consistently structured access point to quality-assured data. This, however, places a high demand on data protection considerations. Moreover, a close cooperation with the researchers serves as a foundation for introducing an acquisition strategy. Datasets that are relevant for re-usage regarding research and teaching will continually be integrated. A special manner of usage is presented by collaboratively organised research workshops. Datasets are indexed and displayed in a uniform way so that the potential of the research output becomes visible and transparent for scientific secondary studies, but also for sciencebased continuing and initial training (particularly teacher education and training in educational science). Therefore, and because of the collaborative development of services, we can expect the usage to gain momentum and increased acceptance. Enhanced possibilities regarding analyses and synchronous as well as diachronic perspectives will be available to the users. Records that are being maintained in parallel ways will be presented from a joint perspective. Relevant content from so far separate disciplinary sub-domains will be added, different data sources and formats will be combined. We can, thus, expect innovative impulses for the entire field of research in educational science in general, as well as the specific areas of research focused by the proponents. Secondary-analytic procedures would thus become more firmly rooted in qualitative research projects. A concrete reference point for activating re-usage in the process is given by the infrastructure. Against this backdrop, it will be possible to continually discuss research-ethical aspects concerning science, practice and politics. A networked workflow is projected as well as a distribution of functions among non-university and university partners, leading to a research-based, organisation-technical model that suits the establishment of a needs-oriented infrastructure, which will be highly connectible to general, interdisciplinary information infrastructural requirements. Therefore, intensive feedback from the general co-operative project for research data in education ("Verbund Forschungsdaten Bildung", VFDB) is taking place. With its specific developmental measures concerning qualitative data, QualiBi is directly situated in this context.
DFG Programme
Research data and software (Scientific Library Services and Information Systems)