The Institute of Human Genetics has established a comprehensive research program on the hereditary retinal degenerations and the genetically complex age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Our research groups are particularly interested in understanding underlying monogenic and complex disease pathologies. Ongoing research involves the identification of genetic factors as well as the development and analysis of animal models as tools to understand the in vivo processes of retinal disease. This work has a strong focus on translational aspects to explore concepts of innovative therapeutic intervention. To this end, we have focused our work on state-of-the-art animal and cell culture models that serve as basis to further decipher underlying disease pathologies. In the past, we have identified several disease genes and disease-associated genetic variants. Recent programs focus on the analysis of pathological processes, specifically for the retinal dystrophies such as Best disease, X-linked retinoschisis, Sorsby fundus dystrophy and the complex age-related macular degeneration. Here, an important goal is to localize proteins and to establish protein-protein interactions in gene-manipulated mouse models of disease as well as in patient-derived cell lines established from induced pluripotent stem cells. A prerequisite for this work, but also for work of several other research groups of the University of Regensburg, is an access to state-of-the-art high-resolution microscopy. This technology, specifically confocal microscopy with upright stand for the analysis of histologic samples via transmitted light and fluorescent dyes, is currently not available at the Institute of Human Genetics and also not on University Clinic campus. For this reason, the University of Regensburg has committed itself to financially support the application for this large equipment. With this, existing cooperative structures of the Faculty of Medicine (Platform "Imaging / Fluoreszenzmikroskopie") can be complemented by an urgently needed confocal microscope with upright stand.
DFG Programme
Major Research Instrumentation
Major Instrumentation
Konfokales Laser Scanning Mikroskop
Instrumentation Group
5090 Spezialmikroskope