The overall research topic of the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology of the University Hospital Jena is the molecular pharmacology of G-protein-coupled receptors. Three working groups are already fully established. The call for tender for another W-post, which is linked to the management of the fourth working group, is presently being prepared. Currently, 10 DFG projects are being managed in the institute. In addition, there is a close connection to the local SFB ReceptorLight and the proposed Cluster of Excellence Receptom. All current research projects depend on modern confocal microscopy. Both the preparation of antibody labels and live microscopy of cells and tissues is required. We now want to expand the existing work opportunities with high-resolution microscopy technologies. In addition, we plan to establish live cell microscopy with several labels in order to perform FRET and FRAP applications. We also need ways to automatically scan multiple fields and record extended time-lapse series.
DFG Programme
Major Research Instrumentation
Major Instrumentation
Konfokales Laser Scanning Mikroskop
Instrumentation Group
5090 Spezialmikroskope