The DFG project “Genomic exploration into microbial processes of an active rift system“ resulted in the recovery of sediment and rock samples from 26 different depths and reconstruction of microbial abundance, distribution and diversity patterns across a 230m long drill core. Investigating microbial life in this ecosystem, revealed novel insights into a distinct, potentially CO2 adapted, low biomass microbial community, dominated by rhizome and soil associated Proteobacteria as well as surprisingly diverse Archaea populations. The identification of acidophilic and methanogenic taxa suggests CO2 and potentially the periodically, through seismic activity released H2 to be important driving forces in this unique ecosystem. Geochemical mapping revealed distinct horizons, characterized by elevated concentration of SO4, Ca and Na the lower Cypris Formation (50 to 100m) and in phyletic mica schist samples from depths below 200m. Elevated ionic strength was found to correlate moderately with microbial abundance, assessed via cells counts and qPCR, potentially attributed to ion dissolution driven by accumulated CO2 as part of CO2 rich aquifer or reservoir at these depths. Sediment samples with abundant Cyanobacteria signatures at regular intervals were an unexpected observation and are difficult to explain. In the most likely scenario these microorganisms are indicators for vertical and horizontal groundwater movement as well as surface water exchange and emphasize the overall heterogenous nature of this subsurface ecosystem. Although the reconstructed microbiomes were not as abundant in anaerobic, autotrophic microorganisms as one could expect based on the anoxic, acidic environment, taxa indicative of these processes were detected throughout and could be evaluated in more detail using several cultivation experiments. Enrichment of active, methanogenic Archaea from Eger Rift subsurface sediments provided additional support for the utilization of H2 and CO2 by Eger subsurface microbial populations. Altogether this study generated additional data on microbial life in the terrestrial subsurface and provides novel information on microbial life in some of the deepest sediment and rocks samples collected in the Eger Rift and other high CO2 environments. Due to the limited amount of DNA extracted from the collected sediment and rock samples and our inability to collect water samples from the site, we choose to include a series of enrichment and cultivation experiments into our study. This allowed us to generate metagenomic data, which in turn could be used to study functions and cellular processes of native Eger microorganisms under high CO2 conditions, as they are found in the Eger subsurface. This deviation from the original research plan turned out well, as we were able to generate additional datasets, including new, full draft genomes, which have been made publicly available and will be published in addition to the data from the original planned study. They also represent the stepstone for future work in this field.