The proposed project thrives to establish solid grounds for the sustainable operation of the open-access journal Internet Policy Review, founded 2012 by European research institutes independent from publishers. Since then, the journal has managed to position itself succesfully in the young and growing interdisciplinary research community on internet policy and regulation. The project now asks for external funding to complement the operating costs provided by the publishing institutions in order to achieve three main goals: to (1.) consolidate the existing technical infrastructure for editing and publishing manuscripts in order to optimize distribution; to (2.) diversify the current budget sources and to strengthen the integration into the research community; and (3.) to transfer the learnings of the project to journals in comparable situations by White Papers and workshops. The overaching goal, thus, is the exemplary development of a substainable model for publisher-independent open-access-journals in Small-Science and its transfer.The Internet Policy Review ( is an open access journal published by the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG), together with partners from the UK (CREATE, Glasgow), France (CNRS-ISCC, Paris) and Spain (Internet Interdisciplinary Institut, Open University of Catalonia, Barcelona). It addresses the interdisciplinary research field of Internet regulation and policy from a European perspective.
DFG Programme
Science Communication, Research Data, eResearch (Scientific Library Services and Information Systems)