Inverted multiphoton microscop

Subject Area Microbiology, Virology and Immunology
Term Funded in 2019
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 418416446

Project Description

The human liver is the target organ of different types of pathogens. Generally well known are hepatitis viruses and Plasmodia, the causative agents of malaria, which replicate in the liver. But also HI-viruses, causative agents of AIDS and bunyaviruses can infect and damage the liver. While viral disease can lead to fatal liver damage, the infection by Plasmodia is clinically silent. Our goal is to investigate the interaction of different pathogens with cells of the liver and the immune system within the liver to better understand their interactions in the liver mouse. In order to do so we have to upgrade our existing upright 2-photon microscope with an inverted microscope that allows imaging the liver in living mice under biosafety level 3 conditions. With this instrument we will be able to (i) image, (ii) quantitatively analyze and (iii) manipulate the interactions of pathogens and liver in vivo.
DFG Programme Major Research Instrumentation
Major Instrumentation Invertiertes Multiphotonen Mikroskop
Instrumentation Group 5090 Spezialmikroskope
Applicant Institution Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Leader Professor Dr. Friedrich Frischknecht