Project Details
Analysis of developmental courses of self-regulated learning processes within academic transitions
Dr. Laura Dörrenbächer-Ulrich
Subject Area
Developmental and Educational Psychology
General and Domain-Specific Teaching and Learning
General and Domain-Specific Teaching and Learning
from 2019 to 2025
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 418362367
Self-regulated learning (SRL) affects the quality of academic results within several age groups and therefore is seen as an important competence needed for lifelong learning (Wirth & Leutner, 2008). Especially within academic transition phases, SRL is highly relevant to cope with the decrease of external regulation (Obergriesser & Stoeger, 2016). In particular, the transition from primary school to secondary school as well as the transition from secondary school to college are critical phases as they are accompanied by increased autonomy as well as feeling of stress (z.B. Sontag, Stoeger & Harder, 2012). Until now, there are only few research findings concerning these academic transition phases and their effects on learning. Nevertheless, recent studies hint at a transition jump as new learning environments seem to foster the adaption and usage of SRL strategies (Coertjens, Donche, De Maeyer, val Daal & van Petegem, 2017). From a developmental psychological perspective, both transitions represent critical periods as well because executive functions (EF) also show developmental changes during these phases (De Luca et al., 2003).Different authors recommend the analysis of developmental trajectories of SRL using a developmental psychological perspective and therefore emphasize the necessity of longitudinal analyses (Hoyle & Dent, 2018). Perry, Hutchinson, Yee and Määttä (2018) argue for using the analysis of EF development as an example for SRL research because it provides important insights for SRL research and because EF can support the development of SRL. In order to conduct such research, it is of high relevance to use change-sensitive instruments for the assessment of SRL. These instruments should be comparable when used at different measuring points. Especially for younger students, self-reports are strongly limited concerning their validity (Artelt, 2000) and should be replaced or complemented by instruments that are related to a specific learning process.Based on this theoretical grounding, the project described in the present proposal therefore aims (1) at the longitudinal analysis of SRL development in critical academic transition phases (primary school – secondary school, secondary school – college) as the requirement for SRL continually increases in educational settings and should be strongest within the transition from less to more autonomous learning environments (Obergriesser & Stoeger, 2016). In order to implement a developmental psychological perspective, (2) the project aims to analyse the effect of central EF on SRL-development as this could have implications for future interventions. With the aim of validly measuring changes in SRL longitudinally, (3) the development of change-sensitive SRL instruments presents a further aim of the project.
DFG Programme
Research Grants