Spin noise spectroscopy in semiconductors has emerged into a powerful tool to unravel the intrinsic spin dynamics in semiconductor nanostructures without disturbing inuences. The technique's applicability has advanced during this project from millisecond to sub-nanosecond spin dynamics and from three dimensional semiconductors to low dimensional heterostructures. In this upcoming project, we will employ the weakly disturbing features of spin noise spectroscopy to explore the complex dynamics of interacting spin systems. Firstly, we will study the spin dynamics of one or few confined charges in single or coupled self assembled quantum dots together with their interaction with the nuclear spin bath. Secondly, we will investigated the spin interaction of correlated two dimensional electron and hole gases at ultra low temperatures. Thirdly, we will explore the intricate interaction of magnetic impurities at the ferromagnetic to paramagnetic phase transition in gallium manganese arsenide by all optical spin noise spectroscopy.
DFG Programme
Priority Programmes