Is the Ability to Have Faith Universal? On the Possibility of Religious Practices of People with Strong Cognitive Impairments by Birth

Applicant Professorin Dr. Saskia Wendel
Subject Area Roman Catholic Theology
Term from 2019 to 2024
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 412761087

Project Description

The structure of religious convictions shows a distinction between faith (fides qua creditur) and belief (fides quae creditur), which has virtually become common ground in religious epistemology. Based on this constitutive analytic differentiation, contemporary fundamental theology and philosophy of religion focus mainly on the conditions of the possibility of the justification of religious convictions and the legitimacy of religious beliefs. Such an emphasis on the rationalization of religious beliefs, however, diminishes questions regarding the affective dimension of religious faith and neglects questions regarding the conditions of the possibility of religious convictions beyond their justification. The fundamental importance and necessity of a reflection on the relevance of the faith-dimension becomes evident when focusing on people with strong cognitive impairments by birth. Hence, approaches which stress the rational justification of beliefs and attempt to conceptualize religious convictions as a rational performance of religious existence might lead to an exclusion of people without the capabilities of such rationalized ways of thinking. This diminishes finally, yet importantly the universal claim of religious convictions to be, in principle, equally accessible and acceptable for everyone. Additionally, people with strong cognitive impairments by birth might be denied the status of having a comprehensive religious view of the world as well as the status as autonomous and self-determined subjects of faith. They thereby would be reduced to be just objects of religious practices in its different fields of diaconia, (religious) education, pastoral work and last but not least sacramental practices. Beyond these fields, this brings along anthropological problems with regard to the equal dignity of all human beings despite their cognitive abilities. Hence, the research project aims to address two neglected research question: on the one hand, it focusses on the reflection of the relevance of the faith-dimension within the analysis fidei. On the other hand, it deals with the question in how far people with strong cognitive impairments by birth have the capability to have religious beliefs and thus to be subjects of faith. This reflection on the conditions of the possibility of religious convictions despite strong cognitive impairments by birth cannot be seen as marginal, as it leads right into the heart of fundamental theological questions with theoretical and practical implications. In addition, this research project not only follows scientific aims, but addresses also a social and political dimension by stressing questions regarding the discrimination and exclusion of people with strong cognitive impairments by birth. It aims at depicting possibilities to overcome such practices of discrimination and exclusion within religious communities and to set the ground for possibilities of participation and comprehensive inclusion.
DFG Programme Research Grants