The goal of the project is to gain fundamental understanding of the growth of complex oxides produced by pulsed laser deposition (PLD), thus enabling optimization of the growth parameters for fabrication of multiferroic oxide systems with high technological relevance.In this project we will experimentally determine the structure of the oxide films in dependence on the growth parameters and will study its influence on the magnetic and ferroelectric properties. The main task is to study the evolution of the crystalline film structure and interface properties of these materials in-situ during growth by applying most-advanced in-situ x-ray scattering methods with synchrotron radiation integrated into a unique in-situ PLD chamber, complemented by subsequent post-growth characterization by means of electron microscopy, scanning-probe microscopy and electric and magnetic measurements. In this way, we aim to gain deeper understanding of kinetic processes during growth, which may lead to single layers and multilayers with outstanding crystalline and interface quality resulting in improved multiferroic properties. The systems under study will comprise both homogeneous multiferroic systems (LuFeO3/Lu2FeO4) and multiferroic sandwiches (BaFe12O19 (BaM)/Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 (BSTO)), i.e. multilayers consisting of ferroelectric and (anti)-ferromagnetic components.To reach this goal, the project brings together German and Czech research groups with a strong background in theory, methods, and instrumentation for in-situ thin film growth and x-ray characterization, in transmission electron microscopy, and in their application to study growth kinetics and structure of thin films and nanostructures, complemented by a large magnetic laboratory for magnetometry studies.
DFG Programme
Research Grants
International Connection
Czech Republic