Extended synchronization on complex networks and dynamic stability in future power grids

Applicant Dr. Frank Hellmann
Subject Area Statistical Physics, Nonlinear Dynamics, Complex Systems, Soft and Fluid Matter, Biological Physics
Term from 2019 to 2023
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 410409736

Project Description

The power grid is among the most complicated man-made complex systems in the world. Traditional dynamic stability analysis is focused mostly on frequency and rotor-angle stability, namely, the synchronous motion of each rotor of the synchronous generators, which is necessary to maintain the normal operation of the power grid.In recent years this stability problem, and the underlying dynamical equations for phase and frequency have been studied extensively from the point of view of the theoretical physics and nonlinear dynamics of synchronization, bringing together two research communities.With the increased penetration of power electronic equipment (such as wide deployment of renewable energy generation and HVDC transmission lines), a lot of new stability problems have appeared related to not just angle and frequency but also voltage phenomena. In many countries these have caused power grid operators growing concerns. This project will bring together two groups of leading research scientists of complex systems and power grids with different discipline backgrounds, to vastly generalize the study of synchronization stability in power grids to cover all these new dynamical phenomena.Relying on nonlinear dynamics and complex networks, we will derive general equations that model the relationship between individual devices and the network as a whole based in the physics of AC power transport: Active and reactive power and complex voltage’s phase and amplitude dynamics. This will make the problem of the dynamical stability of future power grids addressable as a generalized synchronization problem. The influence of the dynamic characteristics of nodes and the network structure on the stability of the synchronous state of the power system will be analysed. We will use the tools of complex systems and theoretical physics to analyse specific small systems, encompassing few machines, as well as many-machine systems corresponding to entire power grids. All of these results will help to understand the physical mechanisms of power grid stability from a nonlinear dynamics and whole system perspective.
DFG Programme Research Grants
International Connection China
Partner Organisation National Natural Science Foundation of China
Cooperation Partner Professor Dr. Meng Zhan