Our research program is built on a close collaboration among the participating scientists who bring in complementary expertise as well as competence on various necessary techniques. The added scientific value that our program offers arises from the combination of these elements. This project details a support structure to ensure that the geographical separation of the three nodes does not lead to any obstacle for the collaborative effort.
DFG Programme
Research Units
International Connection
Argentina, Croatia, Poland, Spain, United Kingdom, USA
Coordination Funds
Braun, Vladimir
Multiparton interactions and higher-twist effects
Braun, Vladimir
Diehl, Markus
New avenues for semi-inclusive scattering at the electron-ion collider (EIC)
Ahmed, Ph.D., Taushif
Jäger, Barbara
Vogelsang, Werner
NNLO Quarkonium Production at the EIC
Butenschön, Mathias
Parton distributions and fragmentation functions
Braun, Vladimir
Kniehl, Bernd A.
Moch, Sven-Olaf
QCD evolution at one percent precision
Braun, Vladimir
Kniehl, Bernd A.
Moch, Sven-Olaf
Theoretical and experimental interplay to optimize the EIC design
Braun, Vladimir