Quantum Manipulation of Spins in Semiconductors

Applicant Professor Dr. Wolfgang Belzig
Subject Area Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics
Term from 2007 to 2015
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 40935467

Project Description

Semiconductor spintronics has the aim to develop functional devices for future (quantum-) information processing. We will address fundamental aspects, which are important for the performance of novel device concepts, especially for the creation and detection of spinentangled electrons in semiconductor nanostructures. In the previous funding period, we have shown that any realistic detection scheme has to be carefully designed and that the use of higher-order correlation functions might be necessary for an unambiguous detection of entanglement. In the coming funding period we will continue to explore the effect of detector dynamics and back action on the transport of spin-entangled electrons in semiconductors, quantum channels and quantum dots. We will develop further the general scheme we have devised to detect quantum correlations using higher-order spin or current correlators. This will not only be useful in transport setups, but also for the recently developed spin-noise spectroscopy technique. It will enable the detection of quantum coherence, dephasing, and interaction between spins.
DFG Programme Priority Programmes
Subproject of SPP 1285:  Semiconductor Spintronics