Project Details
Signal Transduction and Function of cGMP/cGMP-dependent Protein Kinase Isozymes.
Professor Dr. Franz Hofmann
Subject Area
from 2007 to 2012
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 40833648
Final Report Year
No abstract available
HCN4 provides a 'depolarization reserve' and is not required for heart rate acceleration in mice. The EMBO Journal, Vol. 26. 2007, Issue 21, pp. 4423-4432.
Herrmann S. Stieber J, StöckIG, Hofmann F, Ludwig A
IRAG mediates NO/cGMP-dependent inhibition of platelet Aggregation and thrombus formation. Blood, Vol. 109. 2007, Issue 2, pp. 552 - 559.
Antl M, v. Brühl M-L, Eiglsperger C, Werner M, Konrad I, Köcher T, Wilm M, Hofmann F, Massberg S, Schlossmann J
Rescue of cGMP kinase I knockout mice by smooth muscle specific expression of either isozyme. Circulation Research, Vol. 101. 2007, Issue 11, pp. 1096-1103.
Weber S, Bernhard D, Lukowski R, Weinmeister P, Wörner R, Wegener JW, Feil S, Schlossmann J, Hofmann F, Feil R
The receptor guanylyl cyclase Npr2 is essential for sensory axon bifurcation within the spinal cord. The Journal of Cell Biology, vol. 179. 2007, Issue 2, pp. 331-340.
Schmidt H, Stonkute A, Jüttner R, Schäffer S, Buttgereit J, Feil R, Hofmann F, Rathjen FG.
Anemia and splenomegaly in cGKI-deficient mice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol. 105, Issue 18, pp. 6771 - 6776.
Poller M, Feil S, Ghoreschi K, Koka S, Gerting A, Thunemann M, Hofmann F, Schüler B, Vogel J, Pichler B, Kasinathan RS, Nicolay JP, Huber SM, Lang F, Fell R.
cGMP-dependent protein kinase I promotes adhesion of primary vascular smooth muscle cell. Molecular Biology of the Cell, vol. 19. 2008, no. 10, pp. 4434-4441.
Weinmeister P, Lukowski R, Linder S, Traidl-Hoffmann C, Hengst L, Hofmann F, Feil R
Cysteine-rich protein 2, a novel downstream effector of cGMP / cGMPdependent protein kinase I mediated persistent inflammatory pain. The Journal of Neuroscience, Vol. 28. 2008, Issue 6, pp. 1320-1330.
Schmidtko A, Gao W, Sausbier M, Rauhmeier I, Sausbier U, Niederberger E, Scholich K, Huber A, Neuhuber W, Allescher, HD, Hofmann F, Tegeter 1, Ruth P, Geisslinger, G
Phosphorylation of GSK-3 ß by cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase II promotes chondrocyte hypertrophy and skeletal growth. Journal of Clinical Investigation, Vol. 118. 2008, Issue 7, pp. 2506-2515.
Kawasaki Y, Kugimiya F, Chikuda H, Kamekura S, Ikeda T, Kawamura N, Saito T, Shinoda Y, Higashikawa A, Yano F, Ogasawara T, Ogata N, Hoshi K, Hofmann F, Woodgett JR, Nakamura K, Chung U, Kawaguchi H
Role of smooth muscle cGMP/cGKl signaling in murine vascular
restenosis. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, Vol. 28. 2008, Issue 8, pp. 1244-1250.
Lukowski R, Weinmeister P, Bernhard D, Feil S, Gotthardt M, Herz J, Massberg S, Zemecke A, Weber C, Hofmann F, Feil R.
Signaling through cGMPdependent protein kinase I in the amygdala is critical for auditorycued fear memory and long-term potentiation. Journal of Neuroscience, Vol. 28. 2008, Issue 52, pp. 14202-14212.
Paul C. Schöberl F, Weinmeister P, Micale V, Wotjak CT, Hofmann F, Kleppisch T
Tamoxifen-inducible gene deletion in the Cardiac conduction system.
Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology. Vol. 45. 2008, Issue 1, pp. 62–69.
HoesI E, Stieber J, Hen-mann S, FeilS, Tybl E, Hofmann F, Feil R, Ludwig A.
cGMP kinase and RhoA Ser188 phosphorylation integrate pro- and anti-fibrotic signals in blood vessels. Molecular and Cellular Biology, vol. 29. 2009, no. 22, pp. 6018-6032.
Sawada N, Itoh H, Miyashita K, Tsujimoto H, Sone M, Yamahara K, Arany ZP, Hofmann F, Nakao K.
cGMP-dependent protein kinase I is crucial for angiogenesis and postnatal neovascularization. PLOS One 4: e4879.
Aicher A, Heeschen C, Fell S, Hofmann F, Mendelsohn ME, Feil R, Dimmeler, S
cGMP-dependent Protein Kinase II and Aldosterone Secretion.
FEBS Journal, Vol. 276. 2009, Issue 4, pp. 1007–1013.
Spießberger B, Bernhard D, Herrmann S, Feil S, Werner C, Luppa PB, Hofmann F.
Combined reporter gene PET and iron oxide MR imaging for Monitoring Survival and Localization of Transplanted Cells in the Rat Heart. Journal of Nuclear Medicine, Vol. 50. 2009, no. 7, pp. 1088-1094.
Higuchi T, Anton M, Dumler K, Seidl S, Pelisek J, Saraste A, Welling A, Hofmann F, Oostendorp RAJ, Gänsbacher B, Nekolla SG, Bengel FM, BotnarRM, Schwaiger M.
Regulate Axon Branching by the Cyclic GMP Pathway via Inhibition of Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3 in Dorsal Root Ganglion Sensory Neurons. Journal of Neuroscience, Vol. 29. 2009, Issue 5, pp. 1350-1360.
Zhao Z. Wang Z. Gu Y, Fell R, Hofmann F, Ma L.
Cardiac hypertrophy is not amplified by deletion of cGMPdependent protein kinase type I in cardiomyocytes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol. 107. 2010, Issue 12, pp. 5646-5651.
Lukowski R, Rybalkin SD, Loga F. Leiss V, Beavo JA, Hofmann F.
cGMP-dependent protein kinase type I promotes CREB/CRE-mediated gene expression In neurons ofthe lateral amygdala. Neuroscience Letters, Vol. 473. 2010, Issue 2, pp. 82–86.
Paul C, Stratil C, Hofmann F, Kleppisch T.
IRAG determines NO- and ANP-mediated smooth muscle relaxation. Cardiovascular Research, Vol. 86. 2010, pp. 496–505.
Desch M, Sigl K, Hieke B, Salb K, Kees F, Bernhard D, Jochim A, Spiessberger B, Hocherl K, Fell R, Fell S, Lukowski R, Wegener JW, Hofmann F, Schlossmann J