In Germany, 19 % of the population aged older than 14 years are hearing impaired. Noise is said to be the main reason for avoidable acquired hearing loss. To date, conservative methods such as hearing protection have been used to prevent hearing impairment. No preventive pharmacological therapies are available. In this study, active substances are identified for the preventive treatment of noise induced temporary (TTS) and permanent (PTS) threshold shift. As the stress on the inner ear repeatedly recurs within the course of life, and the traumas accumulate over time, a long-term application of the active substances is mandatory. An innovative way to release active ingredients over an extended period of time in the inner ear is cell-based therapy. Cells can genetically be modified to overexpress growth factor proteins. In the present study the basis for this innovative therapy strategy is investigated. The selected growth factors glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor, erythropoietin and insulin-like growth factor-1 are examined for their potential to protect the hearing from noise trauma. In corresponding animal models, the acoustic thresholds before and after trauma exposure are examined and compared with those of non-treated animals.
DFG Programme
Research Grants