Project Details
Numerical methods for transport and thermodynamic properties of dense and chiral QCD matter
Pavel Buividovich, Ph.D.
Subject Area
Nuclear and Elementary Particle Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Relativity, Fields
from 2018 to 2021
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 405943556
Final Report Year
No abstract available
Lattice study of R‘enyi entanglement entropy in SU(Nc) lattice Yang-Mills theory with Nc=2,3,4. Physical Review D, Vol. 100. 2019, Issue 3, 034504.
A. Rabenstein, N. Bodendorfer, P. Buividovich, A. Schäfer
Numerical evidence of conformal phase transition in graphene with long-range interactions. Physical Review B, Vol. 99. 2019, Issue 20, 205434.
P. Buividovich, D. Smith, M. Ulybyshev, L. von Smekal
Quantum chaos, thermalization and entanglement generation in real-time simulations of the BFSS matrix model. Physical Review D, Vol. 99. 2019, Issue 4, 046011.
P. V. Buividovich, M. Hanada, A. Schäfer
Electric conductivity in finite-density SU(2) lattice gauge theory with dynamical fermions. Physical Review D, Vol. 102. 2020, Issue 9, 094510.
P. V. Buividovich, L. von Smekal, D. Smith