Development of a model and method for the characterization, assessment and configuration of communication concepts in factories in the context of industry 4.0
Subject Area
Production Systems, Operations Management, Quality Management and Factory Planning
Structural Engineering, Building Informatics and Construction Operation
from 2018 to 2021
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 405932399
The system components of a factory (technic, organization, employee, location and building) are linked to each other through processes (material, energy, information and communication). The system components and their interactions can be affected by outer and inner changes of the frame conditions and define together the performance of the factory. Going along with the current trend industry 4.0 an increase in efficiency and productivity are regarded as the key benefits. However, simultaneously the outer and inner frame conditions are changed fundamentally, which leads in turn to profound changes within the system of the factory. To persist in the existing market environment a continuously generation of knowledge as a base for innovation is regarded as an essential competitive advantage, next to a high cost effectiveness. Thereby, the continuously generation of knowledge is significantly influenced by the communication concept. The communication concept describes the requirements, which are given by the system components of a factory to the communication and information processes. Hence, the objective of the research project is to describe the changes through industry 4.0 of the communication and information processes between the system components of the factory holistically, determine dependencies and to transfer the results in a model and method to asses and design the communication concepts of factories. Model and method shall enable the designing of effective communication concepts and consequently support the sustainment and enhancement of the capacity for innovation, as a competitive advantage in the high wage country Germany. For this, a descriptive model is developed initially. This includes change activators through industry 4.0, future requirements on the communication and information processes as well as communication barriers between the system components and generic measures to clear the communication barriers. On the basis of a comparison between the findings out of industrial enterprises, a verification and if necessary an adaption of the descriptive model is made. Afterwards hypothesis to the interrelations between change activators, requirements and measures are expressed and subsequent revised together with the industrial enterprises. Ensuing the verified interrelations are transferred in a causal model based on the system dynamic approach. This helps to illustrate the fundamental assumptions and system boundaries, identify (nonlinear and counterintuitive) feedback loops and to explain complex cause-and-effect chains. The obtained knowledge is transferred into a method and an application tool. Concluding, both are evaluated in industrial enterprises.
DFG Programme
Research Grants