PArametric determination of the dynamic ocean topography from geoid, altimetric sea surface heights and SAR derived RAdial SURface Velocities --- PARASURV

Applicant Dr.-Ing. Jan Martin Brockmann
Subject Area Geodesy, Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, Geoinformatics, Cartography
Term from 2018 to 2022
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 405476593

Project Description

The geodetic estimation of the dynamic ocean topography as the difference between the sea surface height and the geoid remains, despite the simple relation, still a difficult task. Mainly, the spectral inconsistency between the available altimetric sea surface height observations and the geoid information causes problems in the separation process. This is complemented by the accuracy characteristics of the satellite derived geoid information, as it is only sufficiently accurate for a resolution of about 100km.Parametric approaches which describe the dynamic ocean topography with a mathematical function are rarely used. Instead, most of the derived models are grid based -- function values provided on a predefined grid with a given resolution. Within their generation, typically multi-step approaches are used, deriving the grid in several steps. Using regular grids results in problems, when besides the classically used geoid and altimetric information, additional observations are included into the dynamic topography estimation. Furthermore, the existing approaches have limitations properly accounting for the accuracy information of the used data sets. To avoid these limitations, the use of an integrated parametric one-step approach is proposed. Mathematical functions representing the geoid and the dynamic ocean topography are simultaneously estimated. The physical model describing the dynamic ocean topography can not be finitely parameterized. The dynamic ocean topography proper physical description is not applicable for finite parameterization. Thus an approximation of the real function space is necessary, which can be done within a finite element approach with predefined smoothness properties. Within this project the use of C¹-smooth finite elements for the parameterization of the dynamic ocean topography is proposed and shall be implemented. This property is motivated by the second aspect of the proposal, the use of additional observations. Synthetic Aperture Radar derived radial surface velocities shall be integrated into the adjustment to constrain the estimate and support the separation of sea surface height measurements into geoid and dynamic ocean topography. Within this proposal the properties of stochastic radial surface velocity observations and their use for dynamic topography modeling shall be studied.
DFG Programme Research Grants