GRK 2513:  Social Dynamics of the Self

Subject Area Psychology
Social Sciences
Term since 2021
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 404484063

Project Description

Since the self and society make each other up in an ongoing sequence of mutual constitution, they need to be studied simultaneously and in concert. The sense of the self develops as individuals navigate through daily situations (such as family life, school, workplace, etc.) which are embedded in larger social systems and shaped by political, legal, educational, or welfare institutions. Behavior in these spheres rests upon a set of often implicit assumptions about what is appropriate and good. These beliefs are changing, and conversely contributing to the dynamics of social change. However, little systematic research an this can be found to understand and mode) the processes, interrelations, and their implications. Therefore, the central goal of this Research Training Group (RTG) is to provide a platform where young researchers from various social sciences are supported in studying the self's embeddedness in diverse social systems, ranging in complexity and dynamically changing over time. In particular, they will research: What are the processes involved in the ongoing sequence of mutual constitution of the self and social contexts? How does culture affect the individual construal of the self? How does the self-construal affect thinking and behavior? What are the consequences for social interaction or eventually for social systems at large? One basic dimension along which different construals of identity can vary is the extent to which the self is seen either as an independent entity or as interdependent with others. Whenever a cognitive, motivational, or emotional process refers to the self, subscribing to a lesser or greater degree to either pole of the independence-interdependence dimension is likely to affect the outcome. Research of this RTG shall therefore address how independence-interdependence affects agency; i.e., the study of human beings as agents of their own life course in society. It shall focus an the dynamics of the self, i.e., it should be change sensitive, be it in intra-individual terms or in terms of societal chronicity. Different context conditions of human behavior shall be addressed, be it intimate, immediate life contexts such as the family home or neighborhood, meso-level contexts like 5 organizations, or more distal contexts such as the political and legal structural properties of societies or variations across cultures. The qualification program of this RTG will include a structured Curriculum and close guidance to foster early academic independence and creativity.
DFG Programme Research Training Groups
Applicant Institution Constructor University Bremen
Co-Applicant Institution Universität Bremen
Spokesperson Professor Dr. Ulrich Kühnen
Participating Researchers Professor Dr. Klaus Boehnke; Dr. Mandy Boehnke; Dr. Franziska Deutsch; Professorin Sonja Drobnic, Ph.D.; Professor Dr. Johannes Huinink; Professorin Dr. Sonia Lippke; Privatdozent Dr. Jan Lorenz; Professorin Dr. Simone Scherger