Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Environmental Sciences – Principles, Developments, and Applications
Subject Area
Geodesy, Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, Geoinformatics, Cartography
Physical Geography
from 2018 to 2023
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 403049999
The utilization of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in environmental sciences has been increasing significantly in the last decade. In varying scientific disciplines new fields of applications have been developed or at least been supported. However, in most cases the preparation, organization, execution, and evaluation of UAV systems are performed individually for each specific field of application. Therefore, a scientific network needs to be established to suspend this repetitive and thus inefficient handling of the subject. The generic aim is to draft a general guideline in the form of a text book with the topic „Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Environmental Sciences - Principles, Developments, and Applications“. The network is able to address almost all aspects regarding UAV utilization in the area of environmental sciences. It serves as an assemblage point for a process of open publication, which incorporates technical aspects (hardware) of UAV application as well as legal and organizational aspects of flying. Furthermore, data processing and data analysis are considered. A multitude of practical examples dilates the theoretical fundament to account for the complexity of environmental sciences.The network consists of 7 network members, who coordinate the preparation of the text book in five-staged process. The primary objective is the identification of necessary topics comprising to get in contact with potential suitable authors for each topic. The circle of authors is intentionally targeted to extent the small circle of network members to live up to the complexity of UAV applications in environmental sciences connoting an interception point between different scientific disciplines. In this context, new and so far unconsidered fields of application are developed, discussed within the network, and potential scopes prepared.The conclusion of the network activity is an open workshop, in which the network members and authors present their results of collaboration and the final text book to participants from scientific and commercial fields as well as students from varying disciplines. The network “UAVs in Environmental Sciences” will be an important contribution to establish the application of UAVs in the environmental sciences across different disciplines as a matter of course tool.
DFG Programme
Scientific Networks