Aufklärung der mikrobiellen Nitratumsetzung in einem Süßwasserhabitat bei Anwesenheit von Methan, Nitrat und Ammonium: Koppelung von n-damo (Nitrat/Nitrit-abhängige anaerobe Methanoxidation) und Anammox (anaerobe Oxidation von Ammonium)

Antragsteller Professor Dr. Florian Einsiedl
Fachliche Zuordnung Hydrogeologie, Hydrologie, Limnologie, Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, Wasserchemie, Integrierte Wasserressourcen-Bewirtschaftung
Förderung Förderung von 2018 bis 2021
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 402993360


Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse

Nitrate pollution of freshwaters and methane emissions into the atmosphere are crucial factors in deteriorating the quality of drinking water and in contributing to global climate change. The nitrate dependent anaerobic methane oxidation and the anaerobic oxidation of ammonium (anammox) have the potential to reduce nitrogen loading of aquatic ecosystems and to reduce methane emissions to the atmosphere. In this project we have combined stable isotope compositions of CH4, NO3-, NO2- and NH4+ linked with the microbial community distribution to demonstrate that n-AOM is coupled to anammox in the water column of a stratified lake. A consortium of Crenothrix and NC10 bacteria highly likely controls the n-damo process close to the oxycline, whereas ‘Candidatus Anammoximicrobium’ populations may drive the anammox processes via n-AOM formed nitrite when ammonium is available. Our data set together with the results of the numerical model revealed a redox zone within the water column where both denitrification and anaerobic methane oxidation may be linked, contributing to approximately 70% of methane removal between June and September. Therefore, AOM linked with denitrification represents the dominant methane sink in the water column of lake Fohnsee during summer stratification. However in an extended field-work in 2019 numerical modeling results and the use of specific marker genes (hszB) revealed that the observed shift in δ¹⁵N values of ammonium appears to be mainly the result of mixing between ammonium generated by nitrification in the oxic water column δ¹⁵N values of 25‰, and ammonium that is formed by degradation of organic matter during methanogenesis in the lake sediments with δ¹⁵N values of around 11‰. Our results may indicate that denitrification is the predominant sink of fixed nitrogen in the investigated seasonal stratified and highly dynamic stratified lake, whereas anammox appeared to occur only at very low rates and perhaps sporadically in the absence of H2S.

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