Project Details
The impact of child-caregiver interactions and attachment on the developing minimal self
Professor Dr. Markus Paulus
Subject Area
Developmental and Educational Psychology
since 2018
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 402792340
This project concerns itself with the social factors that contribute to the minimal self. From a developmental perspective, it focuses on parent-child interaction patterns and attachment representations. The project consists of four studies that rely on experimental, cross-sectional, and longitudinal designs, and are carried out with preschoolers and adults. Interdisciplinary cooperations with colleagues from cognitive science and robots are established, and allow for a modelling approach to the empirical results. Overall, the project applies an attachment-theoretical focus and aims at characterizing the nature and extent of social influences on the developing minimal self.
DFG Programme
Priority Programmes
Subproject of
SPP 2134:
The active self
International Connection
Italy, United Kingdom
Professor Dr. Bernhard Hommel; Professorin Dr. Corinna Reck; Professorin Dr. Anna-Lena Zietlow
Cooperation Partners
Professor Dr. Peter Fonagy; Dr. Guido Schillaci