SPP 2171:
Dynamic wetting of flexible, adaptive and switchable surfaces
Subject Area
Construction Engineering and Architecture
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
Thermal Engineering/Process Engineering
since 2019
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 402234552
The Priority Program 2171 is developing the basic physical understanding of dynamic wetting processes on flexible, adaptive and switchable surfaces. Beside its mainfocus on the wetting dynamics of simple, low-molecular-weight liquids, also mixtures of simple liquids and diluted suspensions can be considered. Such systems offer novel coupling mechanisms through their internal degrees of freedom and are common in applications. They also occur in biophysical contexts. The priority program establishes the prerequisites for the future control of dynamic wetting processes in a variety of applications.The Coordination Funds shall continue to provide the means for a coherent realisation of the highly cooperative and interdisciplinary priority program. It shall provide means that allow all participants to develop their collaborations and share their results within the SPP and beyond. Main measures include the organisation of the scientific exchange between the individual projects; support of the training of junior researchers through central events, by promoting individual exchanges, and through local training events; further extension of the SPP's structured collection of hands-on tutorials, research data and algorithms that foster interdisciplinary cooperation and lower entry thresholds for junior researchers; organisation of the presentation of the scientific results of the SPP to the international scientific community and the general public; administration of the support for junior researchers within the SPP; and management of measures for family-friendliness and gender equality within the SPP.
DFG Programme
Priority Programmes
International Connection
Austria, Netherlands, Switzerland, United Kingdom
Adaptive Droplets Transport Through Coupled Flow Paths
Pfohl, Thomas
Colloidal assembly as a tool for adaptive and switchable interfaces
Harting, Jens
Coordination Funds
Thiele, Uwe
Depth-Resolved Analyses of Water Penetration During Dynamic Wetting in Solvatochromic Dye-Gradient Polymer Brushes by Time-Resolved Fluorescence
Ihmels, Heiko
Schönherr, Holger
Droplet behaviour on switchable and adaptive soft and hard spiropyran-based materials
Helmer, Dorothea
Dynamic advancing and receding contact angles of adaptive surfaces
Butt, Hans-Jürgen
Dynamic behavior of water droplets on flexible, adaptive and switchable surfaces generated using surface attached polymer networks and brushes
Rühe, Jürgen
Dynamic Electrowetting at Nanoporous Surfaces: Switchable Spreading, Imbibition, and Elastocapillarity
Huber, Patrick
Dynamic wetting and dewetting of viscous liquid droplets/films on viscoelastic substrates
Seemann, Ralf
Wagner, Ph.D., Barbara Agnes
Dynamic Wetting of Adaptive and Responsive Polyelectrolyte Substrates: A multiscale approach
von Klitzing, Regine
Dynamic wetting of self-assembled monolayers and polymer brushes functionalized with photoresponsive arylazopyrazoles
Ravoo, Bart Jan
Dynamic wetting on deforming substrates, elastic sheets, and under evaporation: A study with the boundary element method
Stark, Holger
Dynamic wetting phenomena and contact angle hysteresis of drops on polymer brushes and gels
Schmid, Friederike
Vollmer, Doris
Dynamic wetting phenomena in lattice models for nematic fluids/liquid crystals near
switchable substrate potentials
Oettel, Martin
Dynamics of Liquid-Liquid-Elastic Three Phase Lines
Karpitschka, Stefan
Efficient and accurate numerical simulation of dynamic wetting of flexible structures
Aland, Sebastian
Focusing Effect for Sliding Drops Induced by Adaptive Surfaces
Berger, Rüdiger
Highly accurate numerical simulation of wetting and dewetting on flexible substrates including Heat transfer
Kummer, Florian
Impact of co-nonsolvency effects on dynamic wetting
Auernhammer, Günter K.
Uhlmann, Ph.D., Petra
Intrinsic analysis of dynamic wetting on soft surfaces
Sega, Marcello
Liquids on switchable pre-structured substrates - from microscopic to mesoscopic models
Gurevich, Svetlana
Heuer, Andreas
Mathematical modeling and simulation of substrate-flow interaction using generalized gradient flows
Peschka, Dirk
Microscopic Mechanisms and Surface Adaptation Effects in Slide-Electrification
Andrienko, Denis
Weber, Stefan
Modelling of spreading, imbibition and evaporation of liquids on structured or porous deformable substrates
Gambaryan-Roisman, Tatiana
Structure-Property Relations and Wetting Dynamics of Organic Thin Films with Photo-Switches
Braunschweig, Björn
Substrate and Drop Dynamics During Impact and Coalescence on Soft Adaptive Surfaces
Harth, Kirsten
The molecular scale of switchable wetting
Backus, Ellen
Wetting of bio-inspired, stimulus-responsive polymer surfaces by lipid vesicles
Müller, Marcus
Tanaka, Motomu
Wetting of structured surfaces with switchable topography and mechanical properties
Ionov, Leonid
Wetting on Patterned Adaptive Conducting Polymer Surfaces for Microfluidic Applications (PolySurf)
Ludwigs, Sabine
Steeb, Holger
Wetting on soft absorbing substrates: experiment, simulation and theory
de Beer, Sissi
Snoeijer, Ph.D., Jacobus
Thiele, Uwe