BAT 2.0: Development and applications
Subject Area
Nuclear and Elementary Particle Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Relativity, Fields
from 2018 to 2023
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 400959267
Statistical data analysis is a central tool in all aspects of scientific research. Bayes’ Theorem allows for a consistent formulation of typical questions raised in data analysis, in particular parameter estimation and model comparison. However, the evaluation of the corresponding key quantities, e.g. posterior probabilities and evidences, is challenging, in particular for complex models with many parameters often encountered in scientific research. The latter are often only accessible in custom made software tools. As the amount of data produced by scientific experiments is increasing, scientists need matching statistical methods for interpretations and tools. The first aim of the project is to build a robust and maintainable software tool for Bayesian inference, BAT 2.0, which is usable in different fields of science. The tool needs to allow for fast and reliable calculations of quantities related to Bayesian inference for high-dimensional and complex models and offer a platform to develop, compare and apply different algorithms for sampling, optimization and integration under the same and well-controlled conditions. It must be platform-independent and not tailored to the specific needs of a specific field of research. The second objective of the project is the application of BAT 2.0 to a specific class of problems – parameter estimation of complex physics models – so as to demonstrate the full potential of the tool and give a benchmark application. The concrete physics case comes from the realm of particles physics for which a tool, the EFTfitter, will be further developed to perform global fits of models, in particular those derived from effective field theories, to experimental data. This application is placed at the interfaces between scientific modeling, statistical inference and numerical methods. It will act as a proxy for problems encountered in most areas of scientific research and so it will show the potential of interdisciplinary research. The third aim of the project is to apply the EFTfitter to the realm of top-quark physics. Two models will be set up and compared: one will be based on the SM alone and include the free parameters of the SM related to top-quark physics. Studying such a model will help to constrain those parameters, e.g. the top-quark mass or the matrix element Vtb. The second model will be an effective model including additional dimension-six operators. The model will be confronted with a broad range of top-quark measurements as well as results from b-physics, e.g. rare decays of B-hadrons.
DFG Programme
Research Grants