FOR 2824:
Amorphous Molecular Materials with Extreme Non-Linear Optical Properties
Subject Area
Materials Science and Engineering
since 2019
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 398143140
The Research Unit FOR 2824 focuses on the collaborative elucidation of a new type of white-light emission, including the synthesis of suitable compounds and their thorough investigation by means of various experimental and theoretical techniques. For this, a straight-forward joint work program was established, the success of which largely depends on a supportive infrastructure, optimal logistics, and functional interaction within and outside the network. While measures for research data and knowledge management, to advance research careers, and for national and international cooperation and networking are outlined above in this proposal, this section describes how success of FOR 2824 will be underpinned and secured by the overarching coordination project. The funds we apply for in this project shall be used for organizational expenses, such as funding of an administrative staff member, but also for additional expenses that are closely related to the research targets, like flexible funds for additional travel and publication costs, for visiting scientists, student assistants, and workshops, as well as for additional consumables on short-term requirements. The coordination project will also address research-related social issues like gender equality measures, and the communication of scientific results, methods, and values from our specialized research field to people outside the disciplines.
DFG Programme
Research Units
Coordination Funds
Dehnen, Stefanie
Determination of Structural Correlations in Amorphous Materials by Means of Synchrotron- and Neutron Scattering and Reverse Monte-Carlo-Simulations
Pilgrim, Wolf-Christian
Electron microscopy and electron diffraction of molecular compounds
Volz, Kerstin
Functionalized cage hydrocarbons and their applications as white light emitters
Schreiner, Peter R.
Investigation of the static and dynamical structure-property-relationships of diamondoid cluster compounds through optical spectroscopy
Gerhard, Marina
Modelling Cluster Structures and Properties at Different Length Scales
Mollenhauer, Doreen
On-chip supercontinuum generation and advanced spectroscopy on adamantane-type cluster molecules
Rosemann, Nils W.
Project B1: Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed-Phase (Hetero-) Diamondoid Systems
Chatterjee, Sangam
Spectroscopic Signatures of Molecular Clusters and Molecular Cluster Aggregates Calculated from First Principles
Sanna, Simone
Synthesis and Characterization of Amorphous Inorganic Cluster Compounds
Dehnen, Stefanie