Coordination Funds
Subject Area
Data Management, Data-Intensive Systems, Computer Science Methods in Business Informatics
since 2017
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 398038679
At the beginning of the first phase of the priority program, the research field of argumentation was rather fragmented and young. As a main aim of the coordination project of the firstphase, we had set the goal to contribute to establishing coherence within the field of argumentation by organizing a number of shared tasks. A further goal has been to increase the international visibility of the topic of argumentation and to co-organize a number of tutorials and workshops on the topic. The coordination project has organized yearly symposiums at the ZIF in Bielefeld, bringing researchers from all projects together to exchange and ideas and methods, and to foster coherence in the overall research program of the priority program. These yearly symposia have featured high-profile invited speakers such as: Dr. Serena Villata (CNRS), Prof. Dr. Chris Reed (University of Dundee), Prof. Dr. Gerd Brewka (UniversiƤt Leipzig), and Dr. Naom Slonim (IBM Research AI).Building on the successes so far, the coordination program will pursue the following four goals.First, we will continue organizing scientific events at relevant conferences, aiming at 2-3 workshops/tutorials per year. Second, we will continue fostering the organization of and participation in shared tasks within the priority program. In the second phase, we will focus on the organization of shared tasks in the following four areas: i) analysis of arguments, ii) retrieval of arguments, iii) synthesis, generation and summarization of arguments, and iv) conversational and other human interfaces to argumentative systems. Third, we will continue to foster the organization of research activities and scientific discussions within small task forces. We will support these task forces by establishing communication channels and organizing break-out sessions during the annual meetings of the priority program. Building on the success of the 1st hackathon/unconference, the coordination project will organize two further hackathons in 2021 and 2022 for people to work on specific tasks / datasets. Finally the coordination project will continue to organize yearly symposia in which all the members of the priority program come together to exchange progress, recent results and ideas. We will continue tohave two invited speakers external to the priority program to ensure the exchange of ideas with the scientific community as a whole.
DFG Programme
Priority Programmes