Entwicklung und Herstellung von direktabgeschiedener Sensorik auf Baugruppen einer Bohrlochgarnitur
Subject Area
Primary Shaping and Reshaping Technology, Additive Manufacturing
from 2018 to 2020
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5486368
The demand on measuring a variety of non-electrical and mechanical measurands in machines has increased significantly during the last years. By monitoring the operation status of normal, critical or highly stressed machine components and parts, an improvement of system performance and lifetime can be achieved. That is the reason why the development of new sensors and sensor manufacturing technologies play an important role in the context of industry 4.0 and data acquisition.At the Institute of Micro Production Technology a new approach has been made which allows to directly deposit thin sensor systems on components of arbitrary size without any thick intermediate layers, such as glue or carrier substrates. For enabling direct deposition, a new coating system has been developed. By using sputter deposition a variety of sensor types, such as strain gauges, temperature sensors or magnetic field sensors, can be deposited in combination with outstanding layer homogeneity, layer properties and purity. By using direct deposition the distance between the sensing layer and the surface of a component is reduced. Moreover, the overall layer thickness and the influence of thick intermediate layers (e.g. glue) is reduced and the sensitivity increased. In combination with the ability to deposit sensors on components of arbitrary size (no size limitations of vacuum chamber as component is one side of chamber), sensor systems can be used at new positions and on new components within machines.The overall aim of this transfer project is the conversion of the fundamental research results of the subproject S1 „Modular, Multifunctional Micro Sensors“ of the Collaborative Research Centre 653 to a practical use case. For this reason, subcomponents of drilling bottom hole assemblies, that are used for instance for geothermal energy applications, of the cooperation partner Baker Hughes INTEQ (BHI) should be equipped with thin, highly sensitive strain gauges by using the new coating system. Such strain gauges enable the measurement of torque, weight and bending moment on the drilling assemblies. Extensive investigations of BHI revealed the poor applicability of commercial strain gauges. The main disadvantages are the high overall sensor thickness, glue and carrier substrates, limitations concerning the sensor layout of commercial available strain gauges and limitations concerning the maximum operable temperature range and adequate wear protection.
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres (Transfer Project)