Ein besseres Verständnis der molekularen und physiologischen Vorgänge zur Ährchenfertilität der Gerste (Hordeum vulgare L.)
Professor Dr. Thorsten Schnurbusch
Fachliche Zuordnung
Pflanzenzüchtung, Pflanzenpathologie
Förderung von 2018 bis 2023
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 396475744
Keine Zusammenfassung vorhanden
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
Unleashing floret fertility in wheat through the mutation of a homeobox gene.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 116, 5182-5187.
Sakuma, Shun; Golan, Guy; Guo, Zifeng; Ogawa, Taiichi; Tagiri, Akemi; Sugimoto, Kazuhiko; Bernhardt, Nadine; Brassac, Jonathan; Mascher, Martin; Hensel, Goetz; Ohnishi, Shizen; Jinno, Hironobu; Yamashita, Yoko; Ayalon, Idan; Peleg, Zvi; Schnurbusch, Thorsten; Komatsuda, Takao
COMPOSITUM 1 contributes to the architectural simplification of barley inflorescence via meristem identity signals. Nat. Commun. 11, 5138.
Poursarebani, Naser; Trautewig, Corinna; Melzer, Michael; Nussbaumer, Thomas; Lundqvist, Udda; Rutten, Twan; Schmutzer, Thomas; Brandt, Ronny; Himmelbach, Axel; Altschmied, Lothar; Koppolu, Ravi; Youssef, Helmy M.; Sibout, Richard; Dalmais, Marion; Bendahmane, Abdelhafid; Stein, Nils; Xin, Zhanguo; Schnurbusch, Thorsten
Of floral fortune: tinkering with the grain yield potential of cereal crops. New Phytol. 225, 1873-1882.
Sakuma, Shun; Schnurbusch, Thorsten
Seeking crops with balanced parts for the ideal whole. Trends Plant Sci. 25, 1189-1193.
Abbai, Ragavendran; Singh, Vikas K.; Snowdon, Rod J.; Kumar, Arvind; Schnurbusch, Thorsten
'Spikelet stop' determines the maximum yield potential stage in barley. J. Exp. Bot. 72, 7743-7753.
Thirulogachandar, Venkatasubbu; Schnurbusch, Thorsten
Transcriptional landscapes of floral meristems in barley. Science Advances, 7(18).
Thiel, J; Koppolu, R; Trautewig, C; Hertig, C; Kale, SM; Erbe, S; Mascher, M; Himmelbach, A; Rutten, T; Esteban, E; Pasha, A; Kumlehn, J; Provart, NJ; Vanderauwera, S; Frohberg, C; Schnurbusch, T
Evolution of inflorescence branch modifications in cereal crops. Curr. Opin. Plant Biol. 65, 8.
Koppolu, Ravi; Chen, Shulin; Schnurbusch, Thorsten
Spikelet abortion in six-rowed barley is mainly influenced by final spikelet number, with potential spikelet number acting as a suppressor trait. J. Exp. Bot. 73, 2005-2020.
Kamal, Roop; Muqaddasi, Quddoos H; Zhao, Yusheng; Schnurbusch, Thorsten
A molecular framework for grain number determination in barley. Science Advances, 9(9).
Huang, Yongyu; Kamal, Roop; Shanmugaraj, Nandhakumar; Rutten, Twan; Thirulogachandar, Venkatasubbu; Zhao, Shuangshuang; Hoffie, Iris; Hensel, Goetz; Rajaraman, Jeyaraman; Moya, Yudelsy Antonia Tandron; Hajirezaei, Mohammad-Reza; Himmelbach, Axel; Poursarebani, Naser; Lundqvist, Udda; Kumlehn, Jochen; Stein, Nils; von Wiren, Nicolaus; Mascher, Martin; Melzer, Michael; Schnurbusch, Thorsten
Multilayered regulation of developmentally programmed pre-anthesis tip degeneration of the barley inflorescence. The Plant Cell, 35(11), 3973–4001.
Shanmugaraj, Nandhakumar; Rajaraman, Jeyaraman; Kale, Sandip; Kamal, Roop; Huang, Yongyu; Thirulogachandar, Venkatasubbu; GaribayHernández, Adriana; Budhagatapalli, Nagaveni; Tandron Moya, Yudelsy Antonia; Hajirezaei, Mohammed R; Rutten, Twan; Hensel, Götz; Melzer, Michael; Kumlehn, Jochen; von Wirén,Nicolaus; Mock, Hans-Peter; Schnurbusch, Thorsten