This project aims to establish a chronostratigraphic concept of two landscapes formed by dune-paleosol-sequences (DPS) on Lanzarote. We aim to put our results into a broader context. We assume that both formation processes of DPS on Lanzarote and Fuerteventura, which was examined in detail in a DFG-project, are strongly connected. More precise we aim to achieve the following aims:1. Stratigraphic adjustment of layers in the Mala-Dune complex. We think that a revision of existing results is required.2. Establish a robust chronostratigraphy for the dune landscape of "El Jable"3. To differentiate between reddish silty layers originating from Saharan dust and in situ soil formation.4. Contextualize the obtained results into a broader frame (Eastern Canary Islands)
DFG Programme
Research Grants