Student Teachers' Acquisition of Knowledge about Tutoring from Studying Video Examples: The Effects of Instructional Multimedia Design

Applicants Professor Dr. Alexander Renkl; Professorin Dr. Tina Seidel
Subject Area General and Domain-Specific Teaching and Learning
Developmental and Educational Psychology
Term from 2018 to 2022
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 393875851

Project Description

In teacher education, videos are widely used to enhance psychological and pedagogical knowledge (PPK) as well as pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). However, these videos are often used in a suboptimal way from the perspective of instructional multimedia design. We investigate to what extent the acquisition of PPK and PCK (here: about effective tutoring in biology) can be fostered if the use of videos is informed by principles of instructional multimedia design. We conduct three pairs of experiment on the effects the following of principles of instructional multimedia design: (a) segmenting the videos, (b) marking important information (signaling), and (c) emphasis-shift training (i.e., instructing the student teachers to focus on different aspects during subsequent video viewings). One experiment of each pair focusses on the acquisition of PPK and the other experiment focusses on PCK. The (3x2=) 6 experiments are based on a first study that determines the major deficits of student teachers' knowledge so that these deficits can be addressed in the experiments on the effects of multimedia-design principles. A final experiment tests to what extent emphasis-shift training procedure can also be used to foster the acquisition of both PPK and PCK from single videos. The expected findings can substantially contribute to optimizing the wide-spread use of video-based teacher education.
DFG Programme Research Grants
International Connection Netherlands
Co-Investigator Professor Dr. Werner Rieß
Cooperation Partners Professorin Karen Könings, Ph.D.; Professor Dr. Jeroen van Merrienboer