The FID Philosophy is maintained by the University and City Library of Cologne in close cooperation with the Department of Philosophy and the Cologne Center for eHumanities (CCeH) at the University of Cologne. With its portal , the FID Philosophie offers a research platform for philosophical literature as well as comprehensive access to electronic full texts. The following priorities are to be pursued in the next funding phase: In cooperation with relevant small and medium-sized publishers, the range of OA materials is to be significantly expanded. This will be done, on the one hand, through the OA transformation of materials that have so far only been accessible under licence and, on the other hand, through retrospective digitisation of materials that have so far only existed in print form. Another focus is to offer a uniform integrated research environment for all resources. In addition, further research entry points are to be created in order to improve the findability, visibility and networking of philosophical literature and digital (research) objects. An important concern is the improvement of the reference situation for research data in order to achieve better visibility and linking of philosophical research data, as well as the integration of relevant philosophical collections and digital editions into the FID Philosophie's offer. In addition, the community-led development of (descriptive) standards and best practices in dealing with digital materials is promoted. The FID Philosophie sees itself as a mediator between the large infrastructures and the community and as a moderator to actively involve the community in the development of standards.In order to continuously expand the user group and make the FID Philosophie more visible in the community, further professional societies are to be won as cooperation partners. In addition, cooperation with other FIDs as well as other philosophical information and research institutions will be of particular importance in the next funding phase.
DFG Programme
Acquisition and Provision (Scientific Library Services and Information Systems)