GSC 243:
Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences (BGSS)
Subject Area
Social Sciences
from 2007 to 2014
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 39276674
Final Report Year
Final Report Abstract
The Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences (BGSS) is the structured doctoral program of the Institute of Social and Political Sciences at Humboldt Universität zu Berlin. We focus on providing an internationally-competitive program of research training that provides both theory and methods courses, as well as ample opportunities for hands-on research, international research stays, and international professional conference presentations. The program focuses on the problems of emerging and developed democratic societies as they undergo continued transformation in a global environment. Under the thematic foci “Varieties of Democracy” and “Varieties of Inclusion” our PhDs in Political Science and Sociology are encouraged to analyse interactions between societies and polities using a dynamic institutional approach. The BGSS enjoys research training partnerships with the excellent extra-university research institutions in our Berlin environment, namely the Wissenschaftzentrum Berlin and the Deutsche Institute für Wirtschaftsforschung, which provide research opportunities and in some cases research fellowships for BGSS PhDs. We accept approximately 10 PhDs per year, and provide three years of graduate training comprised of quantitative and qualitative methods courses, special methods workshop that are coordinated Berlin-wide and offered in cooperation with our PhD partner programs, the Berlin School of Transnational Studies (BTS) and the Hertie School of Governance PhD in Governance, as well as supporting courses to support the writing of the literature review and prospectus, and substantive electives on relevant topics such as democratization, new institutionalism, comparative politics and comparative public policy, economic sociology, ethnic and religious conflict, demographic and social inequality, and welfare state futures. Partnerships with Princeton University, Duke University, METU/Ankara, Princeton University, University of California at Berkeley, University of Haifa, University of Southampton, University of Haifa, amongst others, facilitate research stays and semesters abroad for BGSS doctoral candidates. BGSS doctoral candidates may choose between the Doktor der Philosophie (Dr. phil.) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Political Science or Sociology, and under BGSS leadership, University regulations have been changed to allow for a cumulative or ‘publications-based’ doctorate. Our placement record is excellent, with 71% of graduates thus far receiving post-doctoral positions, and 63% placements in 6-year post-doctoral positions or lectureships. The BGSS is housed within the Humboldt Graduate School of Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, which provides office space and access to training courses for the BGSS, as well as monitoring for the purposes of quality-control.
Link to the final report
2011, “Health inequalities and welfare state regimes. A research note,” Journal of Public Health, 19, 3-13
Rathmann (with K. Hurrelmann and M. Richter)
2012, “Income Inequality and its Consequences for Life Satisfaction: What Role do Social Cognitions Play?,” Social Indicators Research, 106, 419-438
2012, “Kanzlerkandidaten - Wie beeinflussen sie die Wahlentscheidung?,” Politische Vierteljahresschrift, Sonderheft Wählen in Deutschland, 45, 345-370
Wagner (with B. Weßels)
2012, “Parliamentary Peace or Partisan Politics? Democracies, Participation in the Iraq War,” Journal of International Relations and Development, 15:3, 420-453
2012, “Parties and their Leaders. Does it matter how they match? The German General Elections 2009 in comparison,” Electoral Studies, 31:1, 72-82
Wagner (with B. Weßels)
2012, “Warum überleben Autokratien?,” Politische Vierteljahrsschrift, Sonderheft 47, 106-131
Gerschewski and Schmotz (with W. Merkel, C. H. Stefes and D. Tanneberg)
2012, “Welfare state regimes, health and health inequalities in adolescence: A comparative study in 32 countries,” Sociology of Health & Illness, 34:6, 858–879
Rathmann (with M. Richter, N. S. Gabhainn, A. Zambon, W. Boyce and K. Hurrelmann)
2013, “Der Einfluss der beruflichen Geschlechtersegregation auf den "Gender Pay Gap" - Zur Bedeutung geschlechtlich konnotierter Arbeitsinhalte,“ Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 65:2, 301-338
2013, “Informal Institutions, Forms of State and Democracy: the Turkish Deep State,” Democratization, 20:2, 310-334
2013, “International trends in physical fighting among school-aged adolescents and its socio-economic determinants in 29 countries, 2002-2010,” Pediatrics, 10:1, e18-e26
Rathmann (with W. Pickett, M. Molcho, F. Elgar, F. Brooks, S. N. Gabhainn and the international HBSC-team)
2013, “Job Search Methods among Non-Western Immigrants in the Netherlands,” Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, 11:3, 241-258
Seibel (with F. van Tubergen)
2013, “The Three Pillars of Stability: Legitimation, Repression, and Cooptation in Autocratic Regimes,” Democratization, 20:1, 13-38
2014, "National Identity and the Interplay between National Pride and Ethnic Exclusionism: The Exceptional Case of the Czech Republic", Ethnopolitics, 14:3, pp. 235-255
2014, Conceptualizing Culture in Social Movement Research, London: Palgrave Macmillan
Daphi (with B. Baumgarten and P. Ullrich)
2014, Democratic Participation in Armed Conflict: Military Involvement in Kosovo, Afghanistan, and Iraq, Palgrave Studies in International Relations, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
2014, The European Commission's Energy and Climate Policy. A Climate for Expertise?, London: Palgrave Macmillan
2014, Wahrheitskommissionen. Die globale Verbreitung eines kulturellen Modells, Frankfurt a.M./ New York: Campus
2014, “Cabinet Formation and Portfolio Distribution in European Multiparty Systems,” British Journal of Political Science
Orlowski (with J. Cutler, S. de Marchi, M. Gallop, F. M. Hollenbach, M. Laver)
2014, “Civil–Military Relations in Russia: Conscript vs. Contract Army, or How Ideas Prevail Against Functional Demands,“ The Journal of Slavic Military Studies, 27:4, 511-532
2014, “Does rural origin affect immigrants’ contacts with natives? A study of Turks in six European countries,” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 40:9, 1331-1353
Seibel, Verena (with B. Lancee)
2014, “EU Democracy Promotion in Eastern ENP Countries,” East European Politics and Societies, 29:1, 248-286
2014, “From public familiarity to comfort zone: The relevance of absent ties for belonging in mixed neighbourhoods,” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 38:4, 1142–1159
Nast (with T. Blokland)
2014, “How electoral vulnerability affects pension politics: Introducing a concept, measure and empirical application,” European Journal of Political Research, 53: 2, 269–87
Abou-Chadi (with E. M. Immergut)
2014, “How Welfare States Shape Participatory Patterns,” pp. 41-62 in ed. S. Kumlin and I. Stadelmann-Steffen, How Welfare States Shape The Democratic Public. Policy Feedback, Participation, Voting, and Attitudes, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
2014, “Individual Differences in Social Comparison and its Consequences for Life Satisfaction. Introducing a Short Scale of the Iowa-Netherlands Comparison Orientation Measure,” Social Indicators Research, 115, 767-789
Schneider (with J. Schupp)
2014, “Niche Party Success and Mainstream Party Policy Shifts - How Green and Radical Right Parties Differ in Their Impact,” British Journal of Political Science
2014, “Over-education among Immigrants in Europe: The Value of Civic Involvement,” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Griesshaber and Seibel
2014, “Social mix revisited: Neighbourhood institutions as setting for boundary work and social capital,” Sociology, 48:3, 482-499
Nast (with T. Blokland)
2015, Ideology and the Fights against Human Trafficking, London: Routledge
2015, Turkish Deep State: State Consolidation, Civil-Military Relations, and Democracy, London and New York: Routledge
2015, “Political Institutions and the Distributional Consequences of Suffrage Extension,” Political Studies, 63:S1, pp. 55-72
Abou-Chadi and Orlowski
2015, “Socioeconomic inequalities in adolescent smoking across 35 countries: a multilevel analysis of the role of family, school and peers,” The European Journal of Public Health
Rathmann, Katharina (with I. Moor, M. Lenzi, T.-K. Pförtner, G. E. Nagelhout, M. de Looze, P. Bendtsen, M. Willemsen, L. Kannas, A. E. Kunst and M. Richter)
2015, “The association between family affluence and smoking among 15-year-old adolescents in 33 European countries, Israel and Canada: the role of national wealth,” Addiction, 110, 162– 173
Rathmann (with T.-K. Pförtner, I. Moor, A. Hublet, M. Molcho, A. E. Kunst and M. Richter)
Co-Governing Common Goods: Linking Interaction Patterns to Outcomes. Policy and Society, Vol. 35. 2016, Iss. 1, pp. 1-12.
Jale Tosun, Sebastian Koos & Jennifer Shore
Government Ideology, Economic Pressure and Risk Privatization. How Economic Worldviews Shape Social Policy in Times of Crisis. 2017, ISBN-13: 978-9462980204, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press
Horn, Alexander
DFG Programme
Graduate Schools