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Formation and Eruption of Earth-impacting Magnetic Flux Ropes on the Sun

Applicant Dr. Bernhard Kliem
Subject Area Astrophysics and Astronomy
Term from 2018 to 2025
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 392171665
Magnetic flux rope (MFR) is among the most fundamental magnetic configurations in plasma, and a key structure in solar eruptions, which are the dominant contributor to adverse Space Weather at Earth. We propose to study the formation mechanism and eruption of MFRs on the Sun through the integration of observation and modeling. MFR characteristics are to be disclosed from the morphology and dynamics of flare ribbons, preflare brightenings, and and post-eruption dimmings, as well as from in-situ diagnostics. These observations will be incorporated into detailed numerical models which, in turn, serve as a diagnostic tool for the observations. The proposed research aims at uncovering key processes and conditions that lead to MFR formation and eruption, with special emphasis on the timing of the formation. These are crucial ingredients toward successful Space Weather forecasting. A deeper understanding of the eruption's main evolution shall be reached through the first dedicated study of the reconnection between MFRs and their ambient flux, thus complementing the current ``standard'' eruption model, and by resolving the buildup of magnetic twist by reconnection, to explain the highly twisted MFRs observed in interplanetary space. This project continues a long and fruitful collaboration of the proposing partners, which favorably complement each other in expertise.
DFG Programme Research Grants
International Connection China
Cooperation Partner Professor Dr. Rui Liu

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