TU Dortmund University has declared in its Resolution on Open Access its commitment to support its researchers in open access publishing. Therefore, the university library pursues an Open Access strategy aiming both at the established ways of open access publishing (the golden and the green road) and at support for different publication types. To realise the golden road, TU Dortmund has set up in 2015 a publication fund for article processing charges which is supported by the DFG from 2016 to 2019. Besides the publication fund to finance article based publication fees, alternative models of financing open access publishing become more relevant to reach the important goal of transformation from subscription based financing to publication based payments. One alternative can be found in consortium agreements including open access components. TU Dortmund takes part in the SCOAP3 consortium since its beginning and has signed the DEAL-contract with Wiley. TU Dortmund expects for the near future, that Open Access business models will lead to a decrease in its literature budget. As subscription costs will – for the time being – remain constant, TU Dortmund University will incur additional costs through Open Access publications in the next few years. Because of this double burden, TU Dortmund applies for the last time for funding within the DFG programme “Open Access Publizieren”. By applying for Open Access funding, TU Dortmund University also wishes to demonstrate the relevance, which is conferred upon this topic through the DFG funding program.Currently, there is no publication fund for open access publishing of books or book chapters Thus, TU Dortmund’s university library takes part in a project, led by the university library of the University of Duisburg-Essen aiming at establishing a publication fund for open access books. TU Dortmund’s university library will integrate the results of this project in its literature budget. In an intermediate-term perspective, the literature budget depending on the demands of the researchers will consist of traditional acquisition costs and consortium- fees as well as publication fees. In TU Dortmund’s university library the department “Digitales Publizieren und Informationskompetenz”, founded in 2017, which is led by the Open Access representative of TU Dortmund’s university library, is responsible for the administration of the publication fund. By this means the publication fund is integrated in the overall service portfolio for digital publishing and information literacy, allowing an all-embracing consulting service according to TU Dortmund’s Open Access strategy. This considers both the golden road of financial support of publication costs and publications on TU Dortmund University’s repository as well as the green road of self-archiving. Furthermore this allows to efficiently communicate the increase in visibility of authors, for which Open Access publishing is one component.
DFG Programme
Science Communication, Research Data, eResearch (Scientific Library Services and Information Systems)