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GSC 208:  Graduate School for Integrated Studies of Human Development in Landscapes

Subject Area Ancient Cultures
Term from 2007 to 2018
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 39071778
Final Report Year 2019

Final Report Abstract

The interaction between physical and social landscapes is the most profound process that catalyses human activities in space and time. In the last two funding periods, the Graduate School ‘Human Development in Landscapes‘(GS) unravelled the interplay of environments, social relationships, material culture, population dynamics, and human perceptions of socio-environmental change. We conceptualized landscape as a dynamic physical and mental space that encompasses social, cultural, and ecological spheres, and reflected on how it evolves interactively with the human societies who occupy it. The GS pursued a holistic understanding of human-landscape relationships through interdisciplinary research involving the Humanities and the Life and Natural Sciences. This is achieved through the empowerment of a graduate student community that successfully designs and realises its own research and employs a variety of analytical techniques and theoretical frameworks to fulfil research projects. Since 2007, two generations of GS students have successfully tackled interdisciplinary research questions. Thus, cross-linkages between academic disciplines have been strengthened. The research environment has been greatly internationalised, and the growing needs for analytical support and efficient infrastructure have been met. Five Junior Professorships for ‘Environmental Archaeology’, ‘Environmental History’ (both now permanent CAU professorships), for ‘Environmental Anthropology’, “Ancient aDNA” (aDNA) and Anthropological Archaeology complement the research at the core of the overall evolving field. The new training programmes, communication networks, and interdisciplinary research foci have strengthened and enhanced the CAU infrastructure and established the GS as an international research and educational centre. Based on experience and considering general developments in the field, we upgraded the GS concept and set new milestones for a sustainable structure by establishing the Johanna Mestorf Academy (JMA) as the framing structure for education and research on socio-environmental dynamics at CAU. The GS research profile organised in three thematic clusters is further sharpened, ‘hot spots’ as imminent breakthroughs were defined to further encourage high-quality integrated research; a post-doctoral programme attracted and supported young researchers, while, at the same time, further enhanced research activities at the forefront of an international community.

Link to the final report


  • A major and long-term Pliocene intensification of the Mediterranean outflow, 3.5–3.3 Ma ago, in: Geology 9 (2009), 811 – 814
    Khélifi, N., Sarnthein, M., Andersen, N., Blanz, T., Frank, M., Garbe-Schönberg, D., Haley, B. A., Stumpf, R., Weinelt, M.
    (See online at
  • Association of FOXO3A variation with human longevity confirmed in German centenarians, in: Proceedings National Academy of Science of the United States of America 106(8) (2009), 2700 – 2705
    Flachsbart, F., Caliebe, A., Kleindorp, R., Blanché, H., von Eller-Eberstein, H., Nikolaus, S., Schreiber, S., Nebel, A.
    (See online at
  • Dating the Neolithic, Methodological Premises and Absolute Chronology, in: Radiocarbon 51 (2009), 721 – 736
    Müller, J.
    (See online at
  • Glaube, Macht und Pracht, Geistliche Gemeinschaften des Ostseeraums im Zeitalter der Backsteingotik, Archäologie und Geschichte im Ostseeraum 6 (Rahden/Westf. 2009)
    Auge, O., Biermann, F., Hermann, C. (eds.)
  • Zwischen Nord- und Ostsee, Zehn Jahre Arbeitsgruppe für maritime und limnische Archäologie (AMLA), Universitätsforsch. Prähist. Arch. 165 (Bonn 2009)
    Müller, U., Kleingärtner, S., Huber, F. (eds.)
  • Combining pollen and charcoal, evaluating Holocene vegetation composition and dynamics, in: Journal of Archaeological Science. Volume 37, Issue 9 (2010), 2126 - 2135
    Nelle, O., Dreibrodt, S., Dannath, Y.
    (See online at
  • Hedeby, the settlement and the harbour, old data and recent research, in: Sheehan, H., Corráin, D. Ó. (eds.): The Viking Age, Ireland and the West, Papers from the Proceedings of the Fifteenth Viking Congress, Cork (Dublin 2010), 511 - 524
    Hilberg, V., Kalmring, S., Schultze, J., von Carnap-Bornheim, C.
  • Hydrothermal alteration of basalt by seawater and resulting formation of secondary minerals – An electron microprobe study, in: Krivovitchev, S.V. (ed.): Minerals as Advanced Materials II (Berlin/Heidelberg 2010), 61–79
    Kusebauch, C., Holzheid, A., Garbe-Schönberg, C.-D.
    (See online at
  • Ordering Phenomena in Complex Chalcogenides - the Showcase of A(2)In(12)Q(19) (A = K, Tl, NH4; Q = Se, Te) and Pseudobinary In(2)Q(3), in: European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2010), 367 – 378
    Kienle, L., Schlosser, M., Manos, M. J., Malliakas, C. D., Düppel, V., Reiner, C., Deiseroth, H. J., Kanatzidis, M., Kelm, K., Simon, A.
    (See online at
  • Records of environmental changes during the Holocene from Isla de los Estados (54.4ºS), southeastern Tierra del Fuego, in: Global and Planetary Change 74 (2010), 99 - 113
    Unkel, I., Fernandez, M., Björck, S., Ljung, K., Wohlfarth, B.
    (See online at
  • Time-of-Flight sensor calibration for accurate range sensing, in: Computer Vision and Image Understanding 114/12 (2010), 1318 - 1328
    Lindner, M., Schiller, I., Kolb, A., Koch, R.
    (See online at
  • Assessing Holocene vegetation and fire history by a multiproxy approach, the case of Stodthagen Forest (Northern Germany), in: Holocene Volume 22/3 (2011), 337 – 346
    Robin, V., Rickert, B. - J., Nadeau, M.-J., Nelle, O.
    (See online at
  • Handbook of conceptual modelling, Theory, Practice, and Research Challenges (Berlin/Heidelberg 2011)
    Embley, D. W., Thalheim, B. (eds.)
    (See online at
  • Holocene survival of the wild horse in Europe, a matter of open landscape?, in: Journal of Quaternary Science 26 (2011), 805 - 812
    Sommer, R. S., Benecke, N., Lõugas, L., Nelle, O., Schmölcke, U.
    (See online at
  • Human–environment interactions in mountain rainforests, archaeobotanical evidence from central Sulawesi, Indonesia, in: Vegetation History and Archaeology 20/3 (2011), 165 – 179
    Kirleis, W., Pillar, V. D., Behling, H.
    (See online at
  • Katastrophen im Spätmittelalter (Darmstadt-Mainz 2011)
    Fouquet, G., Zeilinger G.
  • The reciprocal I/E model, An integration of models of relations between academic achievement and self-concept, in: American Educational Research Journal 48 (2011), 1315 – 1346
    Möller, J., Retelsdorf, J., Köller, O., Marsh, H. W.
    (See online at
  • 'As time goes by' Monumentality, Landscapes and the Temporal Perspective. Proceedings of the International Workshop Socio- Environmental Dynamics over the Last 12.000 Years, the Creation of Landscapes II (14th - 18th of March 2011) in Kiel, Volume 2, Universitätsforschungen zur Prähistorischen Archäologie 206 (Bonn 2012)
    Furholt, M., Hinz, M., Mischka, D. (eds.)
    (See online at
  • A comprehensive numerical chronology for the pre-Columbian cultures of the Palpa valleys, south coast of Peru, in: Journal of Archaeological Science 39 (2012), 2294 – 2303
    Unkel, I., Reindel, M., Gorbahn, H., Isla Cuadrado, J., Kromer, B., Sossna, V.
    (See online at
  • Collapse or Continuity? Environment and Development of Bronze Age Human Landscapes, Proceedings of the International Workshop “Socio-Environmental Dynamics over the Last 12,000 Years, The Creation of Landscapes II (14th –18th March 2011)” in Kiel, Volume 1 (Bonn 2012)
    Kneisel, J., Kirleis, W., Dal Corso, M., Taylor, N., Tiedtke, V. (eds.)
  • Demography and the intensity of cultural activities, an evaluation of Funnel Beaker Societies (4200–2800 cal BC), in: Journal of Archaeological Science 39 (2012), 3331 - 3340
    Hinz, M., Feeser, I., Sjögren, K.-G., Müller, J.
    (See online at
  • Emerging genetic patterns of the European Neolithic, Perspectives from a late Neolithic Bell Beaker burial site in Germany, in: Am J Phys Anthropol 148 (2012), 571 – 579
    Lee, E. J., Makarewicz, C., Renneberg, R., Harder, M., Krause-Kyora, B., Müller, S., Ostritz, S., Fehren-Schmitz, L., Schreiber, S., Müller, J., von Wurmb-Schwark, N., Nebel, A.
    (See online at
  • Interdisciplinary interpretation of challenging archives, Charcoal assemblages in Drina Valley alluvial and colluvial sediments (Jagnilo, Bosnia and Herzegovina), in: Quaternary International 289 (2012), 36 – 45
    Schroedter, T. M., Dreibrodt, S., Hofmann, R., Lomax, J., Müller, J., Nelle, O.
    (See online at
  • Macronutrient-based-model for dietary carbon routing in bone collagen and bioapatite, in: Journal of Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 4/4 (2012), 291 – 301
    Fernandes, R., Nadeau, M.-J., Grootes, P. M.
    (See online at
  • Mussels with Meat, bivalve tissue-shell radiocarbon age differences and archaeological implications, in: Radiocarbon 54, 3-4 (2012), 953 – 965
    Fernandes, R., Bergemann, S., Hartz, S., Grootes, P. M., Nadeau, M. - J., Melzner, F., Rakowski, A., Hüls, M.
    (See online at
  • Archaeobotany at Oplontis, woody remains from the Roman Villa of Poppaea, in: Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 22,5 (2013), 397 – 408
    Moser, D., Allevato, E., Clarke, J. R., Di Pasquale, G., Nelle, O.
    (See online at
  • Illuminating the Late Mesolithic, residue analysis of ‘blubber’ lamps from Northern Europe, in: Antiquity 87 (2013), 178 - 188
    Heron, C., Andersen, S., Fischer, A., Glykou, A., Hartz, S., Saul, H., Steele, V., Craig, O.
    (See online at
  • Late Glacial to mid-Holocene palaeoclimate development of Southern Greece inferred from the sediment sequence of Lake Stymphalia (NE-Peloponnese), in: Quaternary International 302 (2013), 42–60
    Heymann, C., Nelle, O., Dörfler, W., Zagana, H., Nowaczyk, N., Xue, J., Unkel, I.
    (See online at
  • Multi-proxy dating of Holocene maar lakes and Pleistocene dry maar sediments in the Eifel, Germany, in: Quarternary Science Review 62 (2013), 56 – 76
    Sirocko, F., Dietrich, S., Veres, D., Grootes, P. M., Schaber-Mohr, K., Seelos, K., Nadeau, M. J., Kromer, B., Rothacker, L., Röhner, M., Krbetschek, M., Appleby, P., Hambach, U., Rolf, C., Sudo, M., Grim, S.
    (See online at
  • Neolithic monuments: functions, mentalité and the social construction of the landscape (Oxford 2013)
    Schulz Paulsson, B., Gaydarska, B. (eds.)
  • Schleswig, Medieval leprosy on the boundary between Germany and Denmark, in: Anthropologischer Anzeiger 70 (2013), 273 - 287
    Boldsen, J. L., Rasmussen, K. L., Riis, T., Dittmar, M., Weise, S.
    (See online at
  • Settlement and environmental history of a multilayered settlement mound in Niederröblingen (central Germany) – a multi-proxy approach, in: Journal of Archaeological Science 40/1 (2013), 79 – 98
    Lubos, C. C. M., Dreibrodt, S., Robin, V., Nelle, O., Khamnueva, S., Richling, I., Baltmann, U., Bork, H.-R.
    (See online at
  • The Western Altmark versus Flintbek – Palaeoecological research on two megalithic regions, in: Journal of Archaeological Science 41 (2013), 185–198
    Diers, S., Jansen, D., Alsleben, A., Dörfler, W., Müller, J., Mischka, D.
    (See online at
  • Towards mutual understanding within interdisciplinary palaeoenvironmental research, An exemplary analysis of the term landscape, in: Quarternary International 312 (2013), 4 – 11
    Förster, F., Großmann, R., Hinz, M., Iwe, K., Kinkel, H., Larsen, A., Lungershausen, U., Matarese, C., Meurer, P., Nelle, O., Robin, V., Teichmann, M.
    (See online at
  • Turning humannature interaction into 3D landscape scenes, An approach to communicate geoarchaeological research - Vom Dünenprofil zum 3D-Landschaftsszenario, Ein Modell zur Visualisierung geoarchäologischer Daten, Kartographische Nachrichten, in: Journal of Cartography and Geographic Information 63 (5) (2013), 269 -275
    Lungershausen, U., Heinrich, C., Duttmann, R., Gabler-Mieck, R.
    (See online at
  • Use of domesticated pigs by Mesolithic hunter-gatherers in northwest Europe, in: Nature Communications 4 (2013)
    Krause-Kyora, B., Makarewicz, C. A., Evin, A., Girdland Flink, L., Dobney, K., Larson, G., Hartz, S., Schreiber, S., von Wurmb-Schwark, N., Nebel, A., v. Carnap-Bornheim, C.
    (See online at
  • A Middle Neolithic well from Northern Germany, A precise source to reconstruct water supply management, subsistence economy, and deposition practices, in: Journal of Archaeological Science 51 (2014), 135-153
    Brozio, J. P., Dörfler, W., Feeser, I., Kirleis, W., Klooß, S., Müller, J.
    (See online at
  • A preliminary study on the influence of cooking on the C and N isotopic composition of multiple organic fractions of fish (mackerel and haddock), in: Journal of Archaeological Science (2014), 153 – 159
    Fernandes, R., Meadows, J., Dreves, A., Nadeau, M. - J., Grootes, P. M.
    (See online at
  • Contextualizing Early Urbanization, Settlement Cores, Early States and Agro-Pastoral Strategies in the Fertile Crescent during the Fourth and Third millennia BC, in: Journal of World Prehistory 27/1 (2014), 43-109
    Wilkinson, T. J., Philip, G., Bradbury, J., Donoghue, D., Dunford, R., Galiatsatos, N., Lawrence, D., Ricci, A., Smith, S.
    (See online at
  • Driving mechanisms of Holocene lagoon development and barrier accretion in Northern Elis, Peloponnese, inferred from the sedimentary record of the Kotychi Lagoon, in: Quaternary Science Journal, 63(1) (2014), 60–77
    Hänssler, E., Unkel, I., Dörfler, W., Nadeau, M.-J.
    (See online at
  • Durchhalten und Überleben an der Westfront, Raum und Körper im Ersten Weltkrieg (Paderborn 2014)
    Nübel, C.
  • Food Reconstruction Using Isotopic Transferred Signals (FRUITS): a Bayesian model for diet reconstruction, in: PLOS ONE, Vol. 9(2): e87436 (2014)
    Fernandes, R., Millard, A. R., Brabec, M., Nadeau, M.-J., Grootes, P. M.
    (See online at
  • Holocene landscape dynamics at the tell Arslantepe, Malatya, Turkey – Soil erosion, buried soils and settlement layers, slope and river activity in a middle Euphrates catchment, in: The Holocene 24 (10) (2014), 1351-1368
    Dreibrodt, S., Lubos, C., Lomax, J., Sipos, G., Schroedter, T., Nelle, O.
    (See online at
  • Ritual and economic activity during the Neolithic in Schleswig- Holstein, northern Germany, an approach to combine archaeological and palynological evidence, in: Journal of Archaeological Science 51 (2014), 126-134
    Feeser, I., Furholt, M.
    (See online at
  • Towards the use of radiocarbon as a dietary proxy, establishing a first wide-ranging radiocarbon reservoir effects baseline for Germany, in: Environmental Archaeology (2014), 285 - 294
    Fernandes, R., Rinne, C., Nadeau, M.-J., Grootes, P.M.
    (See online at
  • 3D fracture networks in the crystalline upper crust - A new seismic model of the Continental Deep Drilling Site KTB (South Germany), in: Geophysical Prospecting 63 (2015), 937–956
    Szalaiová, E., Iwanowski-Strahser, K., Rabbel, W.
    (See online at
  • Neonatal variables, altitude of residence and Aymara ancestry in northern Chile, in: PLOS ONE 10(4):e0121834 (2015)
    Rothhammer, F., Fuentes-Guajardo, M., Chakraborty, R., Bermejo, J. L., Dittmar, M.
    (See online at
  • Proceedings of the 1st Radiocarbon and Diet: Aquatic Food Resources and Reservoir Effects Conference, Radiocarbon 57(4) 8 (2015)
    Fernandes, R., Meadows, J., Dreves, A. (eds.)
  • Quantitative diet reconstruction of a Neolithic population using a Bayesian mixing model (FRUITS), the case study of Ostorf (Germany), in: American Journal of Physical Anthropology (2015), 325 - 340
    Fernandes, R., Grootes, P. M., Nadeau, M.-J., Nehlich, O.
    (See online at
  • Rasthäuser – Gasthäuser – Geschäftshäuser, Zur Historischen Archäologie von Wirtshäusern, Universitätsforschungen zur Prähistorischen Archäologie 271 (Bonn 2015)
    Wehner, D., Wesse, A. (eds.)
  • Rayleigh-wave Resonance Analysis, A methodological test on a Viking Age pit house, in: Archaeological Prospection 22 (2015), 187-206
    Wilken, D., Wunderlich T., Majchczack, B., Andersen, J., Rabbel, W.
    (See online at
  • Rice farming and pottery production among the Kalinga, New ethnoarchaeological data from the Philippines, in: Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 38 (2015), 35–45
    Longacre, W. A., Hermes, T. R.
    (See online at
  • The Third Food Revolution? Setting the Bonze Age Table, Common Trends in Economic and Subsistence strategies in Bronze Age Europe, Universitätsforschungen zur Prehistorischen Archäologie – Band 283, Human Development in Landscapes 6 (Bonn 2015)
    Kneisel, J., Taylor, N., Dal Corso, M., Kirleis, W. (eds.)
  • 2016, Charred root tubers of lesser celandine (Ficaria verna HUDS.) in plant macro remain assemblages from Northern, Central and Western Europe. Quaternary International 404 A, 25-42
    Klooss S., Fischer E., Out W., Kirleis W.
    (See online at
  • Buried with Turtles, The Symbolic Role of Euphrates Soft-Shelled Turtle (Rafetus euphraticus) in Mesopotamia, in: Antiquity 90(349) (2016), 111-25
    Berthon, R., Erdal, Y. S., Mashkour, M., Kozbe, G.
    (See online at
  • First molecular and isotopic evidence of millet processing in prehistoric pottery vessels, in. Nature Scientific Reports 6, Article number: 38767 (2016)
    Heron, C., Shoda, S., Barcons, A. B., Czebreszuk, J., Eley, Y., Gorton, M., Kirleis, W., Kneisel, J., Lucquin, A., Müller, J., Nishida, Y., Son, J., Craig, O. E.
    (See online at
  • Mid-Holocene humid periods reconstructed from calcite varves of the Lake Woserin sediment record (north-eastern Germany), in: The Holocene 26 (6) (2016), 935-946
    Czymzik, M., Dreibrodt, S., Feeser, I., Brauer, A.
    (See online at
  • Settlement layout and social organisation in the earliest European Neolithic, in: Antiquity 90, 353 (2016), 1196–1212
    Furholt, M.
    (See online at
  • Stadterfahrung als Sinneserfahrung in der Römischen Kaiserzeit (Turnhout 2016)
    Haug, A., Kreuz, P. A. (eds.)
  • Städtische Gemeinschaft und adlige Herrschaft in der mittelalterlichen Urbanisierung ausgewählter Regionen Zentraleuropas. Ein Kieler Forschungsbericht, in: Jahrbuch für Regionalgeschichte 34 (2016), 15-49
    Auge, O., Fouquet, G., Hagen, C., Kühnle, N., Rabeler, S., Zeilinger, G.
  • The 5300-year-old Helicobacter pylori genome of the Iceman, in: Science 351 (2016), 162-165
    Maixner, F., Krause-Kyora, B., Turaev, D., Herbig, A., Hoopmann, M. R., Hallows, J. L., Kusebauch, U., Vigl, E. E., Malfertheiner, P., Megraud, F., O’Sullivan, N., Cipollini, G., Coia, V., Samadelli, M., Engstrand, L., Linz, B., Moritz, R. L., Grimm, R., Krause, J., Nebel, A., Moodley, Y., Rattei, T., Zink
    (See online at
  • The influence of historic land use on hillslope erosion and sediment redistribution, in: The Holocene 41 (2016), 1583-1594
    Larsen, A., Vincent, R., Heckmann, T., Fuelling, A., Larsen, J. R., Bork, H.-R.
    (See online at
  • Tracing residential mobility during the Merovingian period, An isotopic analysis of human remains from the Upper Rhine Valley, Germany, in: American Journal of Physical Anthropology 161 (2016), 155–169
    Winter-Schuh, C. (neé Schuh), Makarewicz, C. A.
    (See online at
  • Trypillia Mega-sites and European Prehistory, 4100-3400 BCE (London 2016)
    Müller, J., Rassmann, K., Videiko, M. (eds.)
    (See online at
  • A novel tertiary prep-HPLC method for the isolation of single amino acids for AMS-radiocarbon measurement, in: Journal of Chromatography, Vol. 1058 (2017), 85-92
    Fernandes, R., Koudelka, T., Tholey, A., Dreves, A.
    (See online at
  • Anthropogenic influence on rates of aeolian dune activity within the northern European Sand Belt and socioeconomic feedbacks over the last ~2500 years, in: The Holocene (2017)
    Lungershausen, U., Larsen, A., Bork H.-R., Duttmann, R.
    (See online at
  • Combat and ritual: Wear analysis on metal halberds from the Danish Isles and the Cimbrian Peninsula, in: Journal of Archaeological Science, Reports, 14 (2017), 515–29
    Horn, C.
    (See online at
  • Dents in our confidence, The interaction of damage and material properties in interpreting use-wear on copper-alloy weaponry, in: Journal of Archaeological Science, 81 (2017), 90–100
    Horn, C., von Holstein, I.
    (See online at
  • Does the Adverse Announcement Effect of Climate Policy Matter? - A Dynamic General Equilibrium Analysis, in: Climate Change Economics 8 (2017), 1-34
    Riekhof, M.-C., Bröcker, J.
    (See online at
  • Holocene evolution of the North Atlantic subsurface transport, in: Climate of the Past 13 (2017), 333-344
    Repschläger, J., Garbe-Schönberg, D., Weinelt, M., Schneider, R.
    (See online at
  • Holocene history of landscape development in the catchment of Lake Skogstjern, southeastern Norway, based on a high-resolution multi-proxy record, in: The Holocene 27 (2017), 1928‒1947
    Wieckowska-Lüth, M., Kirleis, W., Dörfler, W.
    (See online at
  • Insights into early pig domestication provided by ancient DNA analysis, in: Sci. Rep. 7: 44550 (2017)
    Caliebe, A., Nebel, A., Makarewicz, C., Krawczak, M., Krause-Kyora, B.
    (See online at
  • Mountain Peoples in the Ancient Near East, The Case of the Zagros in the First Millennium BCE, CleO 18 (Wiesbaden 2017)
    Balatti, S.
  • P-ed-XRF-geochemical signatures of a 7,300 year old Linear Band Pottery House ditch fill at Vráble-Ve’lké Lehemby, Slovakia - House inhabitation and post-depositional processes, in: Quaternary International 438 (2017), 131-143
    Dreibrodt, S., Furholt, M., Hofmann, R., Hinz, M., Cheben, I.
    (See online at
  • Reconstruction of mid- to late-Holocene winter temperatures in the Skagerrak region using benthic foraminiferal Mg/Ca and O-18, in: Holocene, 27 (2017), 63-72
    Butruille, C., Krossa, V. R., Schwab, C., Weinelt, M.
    (See online at
  • The best of both worlds, human impact and plant subsistence at the Middle and Late Neolithic semi-agricultural site of Hekelingen III (2900–2500 BC), in: Quaternary International 436(B) (2017), 41-63
    Out, W. A., Dörfler, W.
    (See online at
  • Carbon isotope ratios of plant n-alkanes and microstratigraphy analyses of dung accumulations in a pastoral nomadic winter campsite (Eastern Mongolia), in: Ethnoarchaeology, Journal of Archaeological, Ethnographic and Experimental Studies 10, 2 (2018), 141-158
    Égüez, N., Makarewicz, C. A.
    (See online at
  • Highly diverse Bronze Age population dynamics in Central-Southern Europe and their response to regional climatic patterns, in: PLOS ONE 13, e0200709 (2018)
    Capuzzo, G., Zanon, M., Corso, M. D., Kirleis, W., Barceló, J. A.
    (See online at
  • Interpretation of prehistoric reddish pit fillings on Easter Island: A micromorphological perspective. Spanish Journal of Soil Science 8/2 (2018), 236-257
    Khamnueva, S., Mieth, A., Dreibrodt, S., Out, W. A., Madella, M., Bork, H.-R
    (See online at
  • Massive migrations? The impact of recent aDNA studies on our view of third millennium Europe, in: European Journal of Archaeology 21, 2 (2018), 159-191
    Furholt, M.
    (See online at
  • Massive migrations? The impact of recent aDNA studies on our view of third millennium Europe, in: European Journal of Archaeology 21/2 (2018), 159-191
    Furholt, M.
    (See online at
  • Neolithic and medieval virus genomes reveal complex evolution of hepatitis B, in: Elife 7: e36666 (2018)
    Krause-Kyora, B., Susat, J., Key, F. M., Kühnert, D., Bosse, E., Immel, A., Rinne, C., Kornell, S. C., Yepes, D., Franzenburg, S., Heyne, H. O., Meier, T., Lösch, S., Meller, H., Friederich, S., Nicklisch, N., Alt, K. W., Schreiber, S., Tholey, A., Herbig, A., Nebel, A., Krause, J.
    (See online at
  • Palaeolithic art at Grotta di Cala dei Genovesi (Levanzo, Sicily): a new chronology for mobiliary and parietal depictions, in: Antiquity 92(361) (2018), 38–55
    Di Maida, G., García–Diez, M., Pastoors, A., Terberge, T.
    (See online at
  • Past Landscapes, The Dynamics of Interaction between Society, Landscape, and Culture (Leiden 2018)
    Haug, A., Käppel, L., Müller, J. (eds.)
  • Spatially explicit soil compaction risk assessment of arable soils at regional scale: the SaSCiA-model, in: Sustainability 10/5 (2018)
    Kuhwald M., Dörnhöfer K., Oppelt N., Duttmann R.
    (See online at
  • Understanding Ancient Fortifications, Between Regionality and Connectivity (Oxford 2018)
    Ballmer, A., Fernandez-Götz, M., Mielke, D. (eds.)
    (See online at
  • Ancient DNA study reveals HLA susceptibility locus for leprosy in medieval Europeans, in: Nat. Commun 9 (2019), 1569
    Krause-Kyora, B., Nutsua, M., Boehme, L., Pierini, F., Pedersen, D. D., Kornell, S. C., Drichel, D., Bonazzi, M., Möbus, L., Tarp, P., Susat, J., Bosse, E., Willburger, B., Schmidt, A. H., Sauter, J., Franke, A., Wittig, M., Caliebe, A., Nothnagel, M., Schreiber, S., Boldsen, J. L., Lenz, T. L., Nebel, A.
    (See online at
  • Arboreal crops on the medieval Silk Road, Archaeobotanical studies at Tashbulak, in: PLOS ONE 13, e0201409 (2019)
    Spengler, R. N., Maksudov, F., Bullion, E., Merkle, A., Hermes, T. R., Frachetti, M.
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  • Between Natural and Human Sciences: On the Role and Character of Theory, in: Socio-Environmental Archaeology, in: The Holocene 29/10 (2019)
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