Teaching and Preaching with Patristic auctoritates - Meister Eckhart, bridging France and Germany, past and present

Applicant Professor Dr. Markus Vinzent
Subject Area Protestant Theology
Roman Catholic Theology
Term from 2018 to 2023
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 389812333

Project Description

Eckhart is a towering figure of the Middle Ages who in Teaching and Preaching with Patristic auctoritates joins Germany and France (Erfurt-Paris-Strasbourg-Cologne) bringing alive their common past. The experts on E.s Latin exegetical works are French, on E.s German and Latin homilies German. However, E.s Patristic sources have never systematically been explored. Through the exceptional cooperation of the French and German experts in TEAPREA, their constant interaction, combination of competences, giving access to resources, scattered in France and Germany, we will reveal the Patristic foundations of this important bridge builder. Interdisciplinarity, methodologies and the breadth of material make it a challenging, but fitting project to overcome borders of language, disciplines, cultures and academic styles. To make it work, clear tasks address the different French and German expertises. A core team of 2 PIs and 4 key members will regularly meet physically and electronically to monitor the projects progress. Following the model and previous experience of time needed when collecting E.s Biblical sources, the aims are to recover E.s Patristic sources, analyse those, and reflect methodologically upon the nature of them. Based on the 10 vols. of the critical edition of E.s works, we are able to collect the data of all of E.s Patristic sources, look at their nature and use, the core topics inspired by these, at sources in sources, how early readers read sources through E., and E.s democratising of sources. Finally, we will produce the long-awaited Index Patristicus of E.s German and Latin works, in-depth studies, a Digital Manuscript Library, a two-country exhibition, a dedicated French-German website and -blog. Summary (F=French, G=German team):Y 1 Ground-work: Explore the Patristic sources of E. Exegetica (OT) (F) Homiletica (German) (G)Analysis: The nature of "sources", "quotes", "references", "Patristic auctoritates" Conference: MetzMethodology: 4-Level-Search Workshop: ErfurtDisseminating: Find a contemporary artist to engage with "Appropriations - the past in the hands of the future"Y 2 Ground-work: Explore the Patristic sources of E. Exegetica (NT) (F) Homiletica (Lat.), Collationes (G)Analysis: Explore the core sources and topics of E. derived from these sources Conference: MetzMethodology: Sources in sources and readers - E.s Patristic Sources in E.s early readers Workshop: ErfurtDissemination Commissioning of art works that appropriates E.s sources and E. and reflect core topicsY 3 Ground-work: Explore the Patristic sources of E. Tractates, Acta Echardiana (F) Collatio, Sermo Paschalis, Vas Auri, Latin-German Translations, Parisian Questions (G)Analysis: E. - Heretic or Traditionalist, the impact of the "sources" in the eyes of his readers Conference: Metz/ParisMethdology: "Breaking out of the ivory tower" - E.s democratising of knowledge Workshop: ErfurtDissemination Two-country exhibition
DFG Programme Research Grants
International Connection France
Cooperation Partner Professorin Dr. Marie-Anne Vannier